Work begins on new kids play area at Shotton 33 club recreation ground

Work has started on a new children’s play area at the 33 club recreation ground on Shotton Lane.
The work includes a new pedestrian footpath which has been created from the Caernarvon Close entrance around the football pitch to a new disabled-friendly access point off Shotton Lane.
Original plans submitted by Shotton Town Council show the play area was to be sited close to houses on Strickland Street.
However, an amendment to the plans with revised location on equipment positioning was passed in July 2015 due to concerns by one local resident over potential noise pollution.
Concerns were also raised about the possible the misuse of equipment by ‘youths’ – anti-social behaviour and not enough children in the area to justify another play area.
The new design sees equipment running alongside Shotton Lane side of the 33 club.

Seven pieces of play equipment to be installed on the 33 club recreation ground.
Shotton 33 club historically had a play area, over time as equipment was deemed unsafe it was removed and not replaced.
The planning application states:
“Shotton is a densely developed urban area which is relatively well served by open space.
Unfortunately access to the play provision within the urban area is constrained given adequacy of pedestrian access, the dangers posed by cars and the modern limitations on children (particularly younger children) on their freedom to access open space far from their home.”
Aston, Shotton and Queensferry 2007 open space survey – light blue shading shows equipped children’s play areas, dark blue unequipped.
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