Want to save some money? Register with Cyd Cymru energy buying scheme before March 22nd…

Flintshire residents who want to save money on their energy bills, and lets face it who doesn’t- have until March 22nd to register their interest online in the Cyd Cymru energy saving scheme.
Here’s how easy it is to save up to £185 on your energy bill:
The Wales-wide collective energy buying scheme Wales Together/ Cyd Cymru, is a Welsh Government funded energy switching project.
Collective energy switching is where a large number of households come together to buy their energy.
To date 100 households in Flintshire have signed up however, the more people that get involved, the greater the potential is to gain a better deal.
Wales Together/ Cyd Cymru can negotiate better deals, which leads to savings for consumers.
Councillor Bernie Attridge, Cabinet Member for Environment, said:
“I would urge all Flintshire residents to register with Cyd Cymru. By joining together to buy energy, households can achieve better deals. When you register with Cyd Cymru there is no cost or obligation to switch, but once the offer is available in March, you will be able to see how much you could save before you decide whether you want to switch. You will also be able to see how this compares to existing market tariffs. Last year the scheme helped households across Wales to save an average of £185 per year on their energy bills.”
Residents can register to receive a no obligation energy price offer in March either online at www.cydcymru-energy.com or by calling 0800 093 5902.
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