Posted: Mon 19th Oct 2020

Wales “fire-break” – Household waste collections not affected in Flintshire but tips will close

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Monday, Oct 19th, 2020

Flintshire Council operated Household Recycling Centres will close for two-week from Friday.

The move follows an announcement by first minister Mark Drakeford that Wales will enter a short, sharp “fire-break” to help regain control of coronavirus.

“The fortnight-long action is needed to save lives and prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed.” He said.

The fire-break will start at 6pm on Friday 23 October and end on Monday 9 November. It will apply to everyone living in Wales and will replace the local restrictions which are in force in some parts of the country.

Flintshire Council has said its website is being updated to show which services will remain open during this period, and which will have to close. “The link will be on the home page as soon as possible.” A spokesperson said.

“We will be keeping all local services open where we are allowed to do so. We were keen to keep our Household Recycling Centres open but we will not be allowed to do so.  All regular household waste and recycling collection services will continue as normal.” The council has said.

“Children’s outdoor play areas are allowed to remain open, the council has urged parents to “supervise their children at play areas, to take sanitising equipment with them and to avoid meeting up with others as this would be against the regulations.”

“Two Flintshire Connects centres at Holywell and Flint will remain open throughout this period for residents to access Council and other services.”

“Primary schools, special schools and childcare will remain open. Secondary schools will be advising parents/carers and students of the arrangements for the different age groups.” The council added.

“We appeal for everyone to cooperate fully and follow the guidelines. By making personal sacrifices we can all play our part in slowing the spread of the virus and protecting lives.

“Do remember that the Police and councils have enforcement powers, and that fines and other penalties can be imposed on individuals and businesses who breach the rules. We would all prefer that enforcement is a last resort.” The spokesperson said.

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