Posted: Tue 20th Feb 2024

Police offer theft prevention tips after electric bike stolen in Queensferry

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, Feb 20th, 2024

North Wales Police have reported the theft of an electric bike from outside a takeaway in Queensferry.

According to police reports, two individuals on a moped brazenly mounted the kerb, with one of the culprits jumping off to steal the bike left unattended outside the food establishment.

In response to this incident, North Wales Police are not only seeking information to apprehend the culprits but are also emphasising the importance of crime prevention strategies to the public.

Among the key advice offered is the use of bike locks or chains whenever bikes are left unoccupied.

The effectiveness of such security measures cannot be overstated in deterring potential thieves.

Further to physical locks, the police recommend parking bikes in areas surveilled by CCTV and well-lit by security lighting, increasing the risk of detection for would-be offenders.

Additionally, the adoption of covert GPS trackers is suggested as a means to track and recover stolen bikes, providing a modern solution to an age-old problem.

In a unique approach to property security, North Wales Police are promoting the use of SmartWater, a forensic marking tool that dries clear but glows bright green under UV light.

This innovative technology enables stolen items to be traceably returned to their rightful owners if recovered.

North Wales Police have provided a discount code to residents, significantly reducing the cost of SmartWater from £59.50 to just £25.

Considering one bottle can mark up to 80 items, this initiative represents a cost-effective and deterrent strategy against theft.

Anyone with any information about the theft can contact North Wales Police by calling 101 or by.

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