Plans to turn former Deeside Leisure centre pub into a crèche submitted.
An application has been submitted to council planners which if successful will see a former pub in Deeside Leisure Centre converted into a to a crèche.
The Pepperpot pub part of the leisure Centre complex has been in a derelict state for over 10 years, Flintshire County Council has earmarked the site for a child care centre due to its location, size and the design.
The council say the facility will deliver a modern, flexible and creative approach to childcare, an earlier assessment identified a shortage of childcare provision in the Deeside area.
The project. which will be run as a social enterprise, is expected to create up to 14 new jobs over the next 5 years as well as offering new training, volunteering and work placement opportunities.
Communities and Children secretary Carl Sargeant announced this week the project was one of 23 awarded a share of £3.7m Welsh Government funding, it will receive £65,000 from the Vibrant and Viable Places programme.
The funding will be used to look at the design, costing and consent needed to apply for further funding from major programmes such as the Lottery, the project is expected to cost around £490,000 to get off the ground.
According to planning documents the building, which had previously been marketed in the hope of finding commercial tenants, “lends itself to accommodate a daycare facility.”
The full internal refurbishment of the premises and minor external adaptations will “make best use of the space and site available for childcare provision.”
As part of the design an external play area with retractable awnings are proposed as part of the application for the new crèche.
“In conclusion we believe that the proposed remodelling/refurbishment of the ground floor at the former Pepperpot Inn will greatly benefit the local community in many ways.”
“We feel that this is an appropriate proposal for the building which will provide a visually stunning addition which is appropriate for the site of this nature.” the planning statement says.
The application for a change of use of former Pepperpot Inn from A3 class use (Public House) to D1 class use (Crech) is currently in a consultation phase.
Document | File size Mb |
– (Building location plan 1_2500) | 2.04 |
– ApplicationFormNoPersonalData | 0.31 |
– As Existing | 0.15 |
– Elevatins as Proposed | 0.21 |
– Elevations as Existing | 0.14 |
– Former Pepperpot Inn_Design & Access Statement(1) | 0.15 |
– Proposed |
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