Posted: Wed 19th Aug 2020

Plans for seven-bedroom HMO in Broughton granted permission

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Wednesday, Aug 19th, 2020

A decision to refuse plans to turn a family home into a seven-bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO) has been overturned.

Flintshire Council’s planning committee rejected proposals to convert a property on Larne Drive in Broughton in February after receiving 50 objections

The application was recommended for approval by a senior officer, but permission was denied by councillors after they were told it would have a negative effect on neighbours and lead to parking problems.

Chris Walsh, who was behind the scheme, later filed an appeal after a consultant acting on his behalf said the committee was wrong to turn it down.

The inspector responsible for overseeing the process has now allowed the appeal as she concluded it would not cause any harm to the appearance of the street.

In her report, Claire MacFarlane said: “Concerns have been raised regarding the potential alteration to the character of the area, as consisting mainly of family homes.

“However, the surrounding area is residential in nature and the scale of the proposal would not conflict with, or result in a material alteration to, its character in this respect.

“The appeal property is located close to centres providing employment and services, with access to public transport and opportunities for travel by walking and cycling.

“I acknowledge that on-street parking space within the cul-de-sac is limited due to the number of vehicle accesses within a relatively small area.

“However, given the sustainable and accessible location of the property, I consider the proposal would make sufficient provision for parking within the appeal site and would not result in a harmful level of on-street parking in the surrounding unrestricted residential roads.”

The committee previously rejected separate plans to create a HMO on Gladstone Road in Broughton after a protest in the community, but that decision was also overturned.

Speaking out against the latest proposals at February’s meeting, local councillor Billy Mullin said: “We need to make a stand, it’s as simple as that.
“We can’t put up with HMOs of this size being thrown at us.

“It’s not in keeping with the cul-de-sac that it’s on and it’s going to have really big issues with parking.

“We have to accept this is going to have a real detrimental impact on the lives of the people of Larne Drive and on those grounds, I believe we should refuse this.”

Ms MacFarlane acknowledged concerns had been raised that the application would result in increased noise and disturbance to neighbours.

But she concluded the plans would not have a significant impact on nearby residents.

She added: “Most of the concerns raised are largely related to the behaviour and lifestyle of future occupiers, which are not specific to HMOs and may occur in any residential area.

“The proposal would be required to comply with any licencing requirements in terms of management of the property as a HMO, and noise nuisance or anti-social behaviour could be addressed through other regulatory regimes.”

Despite allowing the appeal, she decided not to award costs against the council.

Liam Randall – Local Democracy Reporter (more here).

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