Latest phase of work on Chester Road in Flint announced

The latest phase of carriageway maintenance work on Chester Road in Flint will see overnight road closures and a 10mph speed restriction during the day.
Flintshire County Council said “to allow for surfacing works to be undertaken Chester Road will be closed from it’s junction with Queens Ave to the Church Street junction overnight for the following periods”
- Sunday 25 November 7pm to Monday 26 November 6am
- Monday 26 November 7pm to Tuesday 27 November 6am
- Tuesday 27 November 7pm to Wednesday 28 November 6am
- Wednesday 28 November 7pm to Thursday 29 November 6am
- Thursday 29 November 7pm to Friday 30 November 6am
During this period in the daytime – 6.01am to 6.59pm Chester Road will return to normal two way traffic under a 10 mph speed restriction.
The one way system along Albert Avenue, Prince of Wales and Duke Street will be removed overnight on Sunday and will remain off.
HGV’s will not be allowed past Croes Atti roundabout and will have to us the A55 during the closure hours.
Emergency vehicles will be the only traffic allowed to enter the closure.
All junctions within the closure adjoining Chester Road will be closed.
Traffic wanting to use Castle Dyke Street bridge over the railway will have to use Evans Street.
Work lasting up to eight weeks began on the A548 in Flint on October 1, it will see the concrete carriageway, which is heavily worn in sections, repaired and a surfacing overlay applied.
Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside, Councillor Carolyn Thomas, said:
“Despite the current financial restraints, we are pleased to have secured funding for this important and necessary improvement to our road network which demonstrates the importance of a well maintained highway network to this Council.
“The Council and the contractor carrying out the work, Alun Griffiths Ltd, apologise in advance for any delay and disruption that may be caused as a consequence of this essential maintenance work.
The work has been timed to avoid the main holiday period and the pre-Christmas peaks in traffic, however, I am aware that it will cause local inconvenience during the period when the work is being undertaken.
That said, it is essential that we carry out this work and the contractor will be working seven days a week to ensure the scheme is completed as quickly as possible.’’
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