Holywell resident first COVID-19 patient to be discharged from Glan Clwyd Critical Care Unit

Holywell resident Neil Price is the first patient treated on the Critical Care Unit at Glan Clwyd Hospital to be discharged home.
Staff lined the corridor to Ward 9 to see Neil off home on Monday after spending six weeks in hospital recovering from COVID-19.
Neil, 57 and from Holywell, was taken to hospital on March 9 having gradually got more poorly over the previous week.
Neil’s wife Diane said: “He’d got gradually more poorly after first feeling unwell on Monday March 2 while at work at Airbus.
“He spent all the next couple of days in bed, and started developing headaches which got more severe over the weekend.
“He was shattered and worn out, and went downhill before seeing his GP on Monday. He went in by ambulance and within a couple of days needed a ventilator.
“He spent three weeks on Critical Care and another three on Ward 9. The care he had was absolutely fantastic
“It’s very hard not being able to speak to your family in person or visit.
“Neil doesn’t know any of the staff on Critical Care by name, as they were all in the full PPE gear when he saw them, but he’s really grateful to everyone for the care he had.
“We weren’t able to meet any of the staff who cared for him, but we can’t thank them enough for all they’ve done.
“They were absolutely amazing. He’s very tired now and worn out, but he’s getting better.”
Ward Manager Sharon James, who was part of the team on Ward 9 to care for Neil and other patients with COVID-19, said: “We’re really pleased to see Neil off and hope he continues to recover well at home.
“We really need everyone to carry on following our advice and the advice from the government, to continue to minimise contact with each other, and to only leave your home when absolutely necessary.”
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