‘Enough is Enough’: Powerful video raises awareness of anti-social behaviour in North Wales

A powerful new video aimed at raising awareness of the series effects of anti-social behaviour (ASB) has premiered in north Wales.
‘Enough is Enough’ has been funded by Safer Streets, a Home Office programme that encourages Police and Crime Commissioners and local authorities to bid for investment for initiatives to prevent neighbourhood crime.
The film, which was premiered at the Empire Cinema in Holyhead, dramatises real-life events involving a young person caught up in ASB activities that quickly escalate out of control.
The film explores relevant themes like peer pressure and social media influence amongst young people and aims to highlight how activity that teenagers may see as harmless fun can easily spiral, with serious penalties.
Following the premiere, which was attended by North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Andy Dunbobbin, North Wales Police’s Schools Police Officers will use the film as part of a lesson plan delivered to 12-14 year olds as part of the Wales Police Schools Programme (WPSP).
The accompanying ‘Enough is Enough’ education lesson was trialled by several police officers in different schools in North Wales between September and December 2023 to ensure its quality.
Anna Mitchell, North Wales Police Regional WPSP Manager said: “‘Enough is Enough’ is a relatable film which reflects victims’ real-life experiences of anti-social behaviour and explores the boundaries between fun and fear.
“Designed to challenge mindsets and attitudes, it is both humorous and emotive.
“We follow the journey of Aron, a likeable young person who is influenced by his group of friends to cause nuisance to others ‘for a laugh’ and to gain ‘likes’ on social media, but when his rowdy neighbours start to seriously affect his own family, he soon realises it’s gone too far and he needs help.
“In this exciting new educational input delivered by our team of Schools Police Officers, pupils discuss the types of ASB they have seen or heard about in their communities and identify examples of ASB in the film.
“They explore the long-lasting, harmful effects of ASB on key characters and learn about the crimes and consequences associated with ASB and find out where to find advice and support.
“We’re extremely proud of the film and it’s been great to receive positive feedback from learners and teachers.
“The positive engagement between students and their Schools Police Officers is crucial in building safe communities, and through these impactive preventative educational inputs our mission is to prevent young people from offending, and to keep them out of the criminal justice system.”
North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin stated: “This film brings to light the very real issues surrounding anti-social behaviour in a way that resonates with young audiences who may not fully grasp the consequences.
“Tackling ASB remains a priority, and I will continue to work with the Force to seek innovative methods to increase understanding and prevent harmful behaviour among some of our young people.
“By combining a relatable film with open discussion of legal consequences, we hope to prevent behaviours before they start.”
Find advice on what ASB is and how you can report it here. More information on the PCC’s policing priorities for North Wales can be found here.
Pictured: Top row L-R – DPP Police Sargeant Sarah Evans, NWP Area Inspector Gareth Parry, NWP School Liaison Co-Ordinator Mannon Williams & NWP School Community Police Officer Tony Williams. Bottom row L-R – National WPSP Manager Bethan James, NWP Head of Local Policing Sian Beck, WPSP Regional Manager Anna Mitchell & OPCC Chief Executive Stephen Hughes
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