Posted: Thu 11th Feb 2021

Council confirms no change to Flintshire primary schools opening plans despite Wrexham schools delaying restart

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Feb 11th, 2021

Flintshire Council has said this morning there are no plans to follow counterparts in Wrexham and delay the reopening of primary school.

The local authority has said it will be following the Welsh government’s preferred return date for primary school pupils aged three to seven.

As it stands face-to-face learning in schools has been suspended by Welsh Government, apart for the children of critical workers and vulnerable learners subject to certain criteria.

Welsh Government had indicated a preference for an all-Wales approach on the return for those aged between three and seven to school, with some local flexibility if required, starting from the 22nd of February.

The Welsh Government reopening plan will see the introduction of twice-weekly testing for staff members as well as increased financial support for new face coverings.

Wrexham Council have said, “Although coronavirus levels are falling in Wrexham, the figures are still very high, so the council and headteachers are carefully considering plans, while continually monitoring the local situation.”

“In light of this cautious approach, children will not be returning to schools in Wrexham until Friday, February 26 at the very earliest – depending on local coronavirus levels after half-term.”

In a statement issued today a Flintshire Council spokesperson said:

“At the current time, Flintshire schools are being directed to prepare for the reopening of face to face provision for Foundation Phase pupils from 22 February onwards.”

“This is in line with the Welsh Government decision to bring some learners back into schools whilst other lockdown restrictions remain in place.”

“The Council carefully monitors the incidence rate and test positivity rate daily, and expects both to continue to fall steadily over the coming weeks.”

However, should the public health situation become a cause for concern ahead of 22 February then the decision to reopen schools for Foundation Phase pupils will be reviewed.”


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