Posted: Tue 10th Feb 2015

Caught on CCTV: Brick thrown through the window of a home in Connah’s Quay tonight

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, Feb 10th, 2015

An appeal for witnesses has gone out in Connah’s Quay after a brick was thrown through window of a home tonight, Tuesday Feb 10.

The incident happened around 6pm in Uplands Avenue, Connah’s Quay.

A CCTV camera picked up what appear’s to be a male walking into the front garden of the house carrying a brick, he then precedes the throw the brick at the window, failing to smash the window the first time he picks it up and launches two handed smashing the window, turns and runs off.

We don’t believe anybody was hurt luckily in the attack however the occupants are very shaken by the incident.

If you have any information or witnessed anything call the Police on 101.



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