Posted: Wed 15th Dec 2021

More support needed for families of Veterans with mental health conditions, says North Wales MS

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Wednesday, Dec 15th, 2021

North Wales MS Mark Isherwood has called on the Welsh Government to fill the gap in provision of support for the families of Veterans with mental health conditions.

Raising the matter in Business Statement in the Senedd on Tuesday, Mr Isherwood highlighted the concerns raised by the Forces in Mind Trust that whilst support is available for Veterans with mental health conditions, it is not there for their families.

Mr Isherwood said: “Last week, the Forces in Mind Trust published their new report, ‘Developing a model of the Restorative Approaches Veteran Family Service’ .

“This followed a three-year evaluation study, carried out by the Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE) at Cardiff University, of a new service, The Restorative Approaches Veterans and Family Service (RAVFS) that utilises Restorative Engagement to help ex-Service personnel and their families improve their relationships, communication, and family functioning.

“This innovative new service is provided by Welsh children’s charity ‘TGP Cymru’, and was developed in collaboration with Veterans NHS Wales.

“As the Forces in Mind Trust state, there is currently a gap in provision of support for the families of veterans with mental health conditions. Their Policy Statement on Relationships outlines that, while support is available for Veterans, their families are often left behind.

“They recommend more integrated support for families in Veterans’ mental health services and increased involvement of the family in transition from the military to civilian life.

“The findings from this study suggest that services such as the RAFVS could help provide this missing support and call for a wider roll out, perhaps to the Veterans NHS Wales population across all Welsh Local Health Boards.  I call for a Statement accordingly.”

The Trefnydd, Lesley Griffith MS, replied: “I know that the Deputy Minister for Mental Health Services is aware of the report. Perhaps when she has considered it she could have a conversation with the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership, to see if anything further can be done”.

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