Posted: Tue 22nd Feb 2022

Buckley residents invited to public consultation on plans to revitalise Brunswick Road area

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, Feb 22nd, 2022

Buckley residents are being invited to a public consultation on ambitious plans to revitalise the Brunswick Road area.

Currently, the area is pedestrianised but there are two options being looked at for major improvements to the area.

One of the proposals looks at re-introducing one-way traffic, the other option looks at potential enhancements while maintaining the road as a pedestrianised street.

An enhanced pedestrianised scheme could see the section of road surface raised to allow easy pedestrian movement.

Trees would be planted to create a ‘green street’.

A shade structure for shelter, events, exhibitions, market stalls, brass band, and music.

A wall planted with ivy screen which would double up as ‘pop up’ cinema screen.

And a children’s informal play space, possibly with water play or sculptures to play on.

The second option would see one-way vehicle access reintroduced, junctions would be improved for pedestrians.

All road kerbs would be replaced with new granite kerbs and road surface replaced with coloured asphalt to match existing colours.

And a new multi-purpose open space and play area would be area.

Documents released ahead of the consultation state: “The streets could be planted with more trees and shrubs, paving surfaces at entry points and pedestrian access routes improved particularly for the less-abled.”

“There are no restaurants or bars on – Brunswick Road, such uses would enliven the street and offer more use later in the day.”

“Funds are not currently available to implement the works, however, by undertaking an options consultation, this commission will provide Flintshire County Council with the ‘ready to run’ design work necessary to prepare and submit funding bids at short notice, should an opportunity arise.”

Key questions being asked during the consultation:

  • What improvements do you think are a priority?
  • What will attract more use and investment in the town centre?
  • Would you prefer to keep a pedestrianised street or re-introduce traffic?

A Flintshire Council spokesperson said: “We would like to revitalise the pedestrianised section of Brunswick Road and improve the streetscape for shopping and community use. Environmental Associates (design developers) have been engaged and will be on hand on the day.”

“We are looking for your views on two alternative improvement options for Brunswick Road, Buckley. One of the design proposals looks at re-introducing one way traffic, while also including potential enhancements, the other option looks at potential enhancements while maintaining the road as a pedestrianised street.”

“Feedback from the event will be used to inform what is needed locally, and to help identify preferred solutions to benefit Buckley.”

The event will take place on Wednesday, 23 February at Refurbs Caffi Cyfle, Buckley from 2pm – 5pm. 

“Plans will also be available at Buckley Library and the Connects Centre and on the website at: ”

“Comments can be submitted by completing a feedback form at one of these locations.”

“If you are unable to attend please email comments to: by close of Friday 25 February 2022.”


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