Appeal launched over refusal of affordable housing scheme in Mancot

An appeal has been launched after plans for an affordable housing scheme aimed at helping people to get on the property ladder were refused.
Proposals by Wales and West Housing Association to create 25 new homes in the village of Mancot, near Hawarden, were rejected in May last year.
It followed concerns being expressed by community leaders over the loss of green space off Mancot Lane and the risk of flooding.
The housing association had claimed developing the overgrown area of land near Sandycroft Primary School would assist local people to find a home.
However, members of Flintshire Council’s planning committee said building houses on the green barrier site would be “inappropriate”.
An appeal has now been lodged Planning and Environment Decisions Wales in a bid to have the decision overturned.
Mancot councillor Bob Connah told last May’s committee meeting there was significant opposition to the application within the community, with flooding reported to be a problem in the area.
He said: “Having lived within half a mile of the site, I can say categorically that this area does flood regularly.
“Indeed, in January of this year you couldn’t see a blade of grass in that field because there was that much water.
“It also falls within the green belt area and as such should not be developed.”
Seven letters of objection were received against the scheme, with other issues raised including the impact on traffic and the potential strain it would place on local services.
Wales and West said the site would be used to accommodate a range of one to four-bedroom houses offered at lower-cost rental rates.
Speaking on the association’s behalf, planning agent Justin Paul asked councillors to consider deferring their decision to allow it to address the flooding concerns.
But members said there were other reasons for refusal which could not be overcome.
The appeal will be decided by an inspector appointed by the Welsh Government at a later date.
Liam Randall – Local Democracy Reporter (more here).
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