A woman’s place – a time for action.

Chwarae Teg, the leading professional agency for the economic development of women in Wales will be presenting of a once in a decade piece of research, “A Woman’s Place”
The research investigates the position of women in the Welsh workforce.
This event will specifically focus on the under-utilisation of women’s skills in the Welsh economy, exploring ways to support women to reach their potential.
The event takes place on: Friday, 27September 2013, 10.00 am -12.30 pm
At: Airbus, Broughton Site, Flintshire, North Wales, CH4 0DR
They will be joined by Ken Skates AM, Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology, who will share his thoughts on gender inequality in training.
During this event attendees will have the opportunity to share thier views and help start the process of turning the findings into action in what Chwarae Teg describe as “a time for action”
There will also be an opportunity to put questions to a panel of leaders and employers on how women can be supported to make full use of their skills.
The event is free of charge, to register [button color=”green” link=”http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/7619749877?ref=ebtnebregn”]Click Here[/button]
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