Squawk Codes

List of Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Squawk Codes
Codes/Series Controlling Authority/Function
* 0000 SSR data unreliable
* 0001 Height Monitoring Unit (See note 5)
* 0002 Ground Transponder Testing (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.3)
* 0003 Surrey/Sussex HEMS
0004 — 0005 Scottish Non-standard Flights
* 0006 British Transport Police ASU
* 0007 Off-shore Safety Area (OSA) Conspicuity (See note 11)
* 0010 Aircraft operating outside of Birmingham Controlled Airspace Zone and monitoring Birmingham Radar frequency (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
* 0011 Aircraft operating outside of Southampton/Bournemouth Zones/Areas and monitoring Solent Radar frequencies (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
* 0012 Aircraft operating outside of Heathrow/London City/Gatwick CAS and monitoring Thames/Gatwick Radar frequency (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
* 0013 Aircraft operating outside of Luton/Stansted CAS and monitoring Luton/Essex Radar frequency (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
* 0014 Kent Air Ambulance (HMD21)
* 0015 Essex Air Ambulance (HMD07)
* 0016 Thames Valley Air Ambulance (HMD24)
* 0017 Virgin HEMS (HMD27)
* 0020 Air Ambulance Helicopter Emergency Medivac
* 0021 Fixed-wing aircraft (Receiving service from a ship)
* 0022 Helicopter(s) (Receiving service from a ship)
* 0023 Aircraft engaged in actual SAR Operations
* 0024 Radar Flight Evaluation/Calibration (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph
0025 Scottish Non-standard Flights
* 0026 Special Tasks (Mil) – activated under Special Flight Notification (SFN)
* 0027 London Control (Swanwick) Ops Crossing/Joining CAS (See note 9)
* 0030 FIR Lost
* 0031 Not currently allocated for use in the UK FIR
* 0032 Aircraft engaged in police air support operations
* 0033 Aircraft Paradropping (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph
* 0034 Antenna trailing/target towing
* 0035 Selected Flights – Helicopters
* 0036 Helicopter Pipeline/Powerline Inspection Flights
* 0037 Royal Flights – Helicopters
* 0040 Civil Helicopters North Sea
* 0041 — 0061 Police Air Support
0062 — 0077 No 1 Air Control Centre
* 0100 NATO – CAOC F (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
0101 — 0117 Transit (ORCAM) Brussels
0120 — 0137 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
0140 — 0177 Transit (ORCAM) Amsterdam
* 0200 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
0201 — 0277 Allocated to NATS as CCAMS redundancy
* 0300 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
0301 — 0377 Assigned by CCAMS
* 0400 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
* 0401 RAF Leeming Conspicuity
0401 — 0420 Birmingham Approach
0401 — 0437 Ireland Domestic
0401 — 0450 Exeter Approach
0401 — 0467 RAF Lakenheath
0402 — 0426 RAF Leeming
0421 — 0427 Farnborough Radar
* 0427 RAF Leeming (Topcliffe) Conspicuity
0430 — 0437 Edinburgh Approach
0430 — 0446 Farnborough LARS West
* 0440 Edinburgh Frequency Monitoring Code (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
0441 — 0443 Edinburgh Approach
* 0447 Farnborough LARS West (Blackbushe departures)
* 0450 Blackpool Basic Service Conspicuity
0450 — 0456 Farnborough LARS West
*0451 Blackpool Procedural Service Conspicuity (See note 16)
*0452 Morecambe Bay Helicopter Conspicuity
* 0453 Liverpool Bay Helicopter Conspicuity
* 0457 Farnborough LARS West (Fairoaks departures)
0460 — 0465 Farnborough LARS West
*0466 Farnborough LARS West (Fairoaks Departures)
467 Farnborough LARS West
0470 — 0477 Allocated to NATS as CCAMS redundancy
* 0500 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
0501 — 0577 Assigned by CCAMS
* 0600 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
0601 — 0637 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
0640 — 0677 Transit (ORCAM) Paris
* 0700 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
0701 — 0727 Transit (ORCAM) Maastricht
0730 — 0767 Assigned by CCAMS
0770 — 0777 Transit (ORCAM) Maastricht
Codes/Series Controlling Authority / Function
1000 IFR GAT flights operating in designated Mode S Airspace
1001 — 1067 Transit (ORCAM) Spain
1070 — 1077 Assigned by CCAMS
* 1100 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
1101 — 1137 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
1140 — 1157 Transit (ORCAM) Malta
1160 — 1176 Assigned by CCAMS
* 1177 London Control (Swanwick) FIS (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph and note 7)
* 1200 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
1201 — 1277 Channel Islands Domestic
* 1300 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
1301 — 1327 NATO – Air Policing (Air Defence Priority Flights) (See note 8)
1330 — 1377 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
* 1400 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
1401 — 1407 Irish CCAMS Contingency Codes
1410 — 1477 Assigned by CCAMS
* 1500 — 1577 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
* 1600 — 1677 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
* 1700 — 1727 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
1730 — 1744 Newquay Approach
1730 — 1746 Farnborough LARS East
1730 — 1756 RAF Coningsby
* 1730 — 1767 RAF Spadeadam (See note 10)
1745 Newquay Fixed-wing
1746 Newquay Helicopters
* 1747 Farnborough LARS East Conspicuity
* 1747 Newquay Conspicuity
1750 — 1757 Newquay Approach
1750 — 1757 Scatsta, Shetland
* 1757 RAF Coningsby Conspicuity
1760 — 1777 RAF Coningsby
1760 — 1777 RNAS Yeovilton Fighter Control
Codes/Series Controlling Authority / Function
* 2000 Aircraft from a non SSR environment, or on the aerodrome surface in accordance with Note 12
2001 — 2077 Assigned by CCAMS
* 2100 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
2101 — 2177 Transit (ORCAM) Amsterdam
* 2200 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
2201 — 2277 Assigned by CCAMS
* 2300 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
2301 — 2377 Transit (ORCAM) France
* 2400 — 2477 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
* 2500 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
2501 — 2577 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
* 2600 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
2601 — 2617 Glasgow Approach
2601 — 2637 RAF Cranwell
2601 — 2645 MoD Boscombe Down
2601 — 2657 Irish Domestic Westbound departures and Eastbound arrivals
* 2620 Glasgow Airport Frequency Monitoring Code (Refer to ENR 1.6 para 2.2.5)
2621 — 2630 Aberdeen (Sumburgh Approach)
2631 — 2637 Aberdeen (Northern North Sea Off-shore) (See note 3)
2640 — 2642 RAF Cranwell – Lincolnshire AIAA
2640 — 2657 Aberdeen (Northern North Sea Off-shore – Sumburgh Sector) (See note 3)
2643 — 2644 RAF Cranwell
* 2645 RAF Cranwell Conspicuity
2646 — 2647 RAF Cranwell
2646 — 2647 MoD Boscombe Down – UAS
* 2650 MoD Boscombe Down Conspicuity
2650 — 2653 Leeds Bradford Approach
2651 — 2657 MoD Boscombe Down
* 2654 Leeds Bradford Conspicuity
2655 — 2676 Leeds Bradford Approach
* 2660 Thruxton conspicuity
2660 — 2677 Aberdeen (Northern North Sea Off-shore) (See note 3)
2661 — 2675 Middle Wallop
* 2676 Middle Wallop Conspicuity
2677 Middle Wallop Conspicuity
* 2677 Aircraft operating outside of Leeds Bradford Controlled Airspace Zone and Monitoring Leeds Bradford Radar frequency (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
* 2700 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
2701 — 2737 Assigned by CCAMS
2740 — 2777 Transit (ORCAM) Zurich
Codes/Series Controlling Authority / Function
3000 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
3001 — 3077 Transit (ORCAM) Zurich
3100 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
3101 — 3127 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
3130 — 3177 Transit (ORCAM) Amsterdam
3200 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
3201 — 3277 Transit (ORCAM) Turkey – may also be Assigned by CCAMS
3300 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
3301 — 3303 Swanwick (Military) Special Tasks
3304 — 3306 Aircraft receiving a service from London D&D Cell
*3307 D&D Conspicuity Training Fix
3310 — 3367 Swanwick (Military)
3370 — 3377 Allocated to NATS as CCAMS redundancy
3400 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
3401 — 3477 Assigned by CCAMS
3500 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
3501 — 3507 Transit (ORCAM) Luxembourg
3510 — 3537 Assigned by CCAMS
3540 — 3577 Transit (ORCAM) Berlin
3600 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
3601 — 3623 RAF Benson
3601 — 3632 Scottish ATSOCA Purposes
3601 — 3634 RAF Waddington
3601 — 3647 Jersey Approach
3601 — 3657 Cardiff Approach
* 3624 RAF Benson Conspicuity
3625 — 3627 RAF Benson
* 3637 Wycombe Air Park Conspicuity. Not to be used outside 20 nm from the airfield.
3640 — 3645 RAF Odiham
3640 — 3666 RAF Marham
3640 — 3677 Aberdeen (Northern North Sea Off-shore) (See note 3)
3641 — 3647 BAE Systems Warton
* 3646 RAF Odiham Conspicuity
3646 — 3657 Cardiff Approach
3647 — 3653 RAF Odiham
* 3650 BAE Systems Warton Conspicuity
3651 — 3657 BAE Systems Warton
* 3660 Warton Aerodrome Frequency Monitoring Code (Refer to ENR 1.6, para 2.2.5)
3660 — 3665 Solent Approach (Southampton)
3661 — 3677 BAE Systems Warton
* 3666 Solent Radar Conspicuity
* 3667 RAF Marham – FIS Conspicuity
3667 — 3677 Solent Approach (Southampton)
3700 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
3701 — 3710 Norwich Approach
* 3701 — 3717 Military aircraft under service from RN AEW aircraft in South West Approaches
3701 — 3736 RAF Brize Norton
3701 — 3747 Guernsey Approach
3701 — 3767 RAF Lossiemouth
3720 — 3727 RAF Valley
RAF Wittering Approach/Director
3720 — 3766 Newcastle Approach
3730 — 3736 RAF Valley
3730 — 3747 RAF Wittering Tutor Operations
* 3737 RAF Valley – Visual Recovery
RAF Brize Norton Approach Conspicuity
3740 — 3745 RAF Brize Norton
3740 — 3747 RAF Valley
* 3750 RAF Wittering Zone Conspicuity (Basic Service)
3750 — 3751 RAF Valley GH
3750 — 3761 TC Gatwick
3751 — 3757 RAF Wittering Zone Transits
3752 RAF Valley – RIFA
* 3753 RAF Valley – Low Level Helicopters
* 3754 RAF Valley – Special Tasks
3755 RAF Valley Radar Practice Force Landing (RPFL)
3756 RAF Valley Straight In Practice Force Landing (SIPFL)
3757 RAF Valley Rotary at RAF Mona
3760 RAF Wittering
3760 — 3765 RAF Valley GH
3761 RAF Wittering – Cranwell/Wittering/Cranwell VFR Transit
* 3762 Shoreham ATS IFR
3762 RAF Wittering
* 3763 Shoreham ATS VFR
3764 — 3766 Gatwick Tower
* 3767 Redhill Approach Conspicuity
* 3767 Newcastle Approach Conspicuity
3770 — 3777 Western Radar
Codes/Series Controlling Authority / Function
4000 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
4001 — 4077 Transit (ORCAM) France
4100 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
4101 — 4177 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
4200 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
4201 — 4214 Assigned by CAA
4215 — 4247 Assigned by CCAMS
4250 — 4257 Belfast City Approach
4250 — 4267 Aberdeen Approach
4250 — 4277 Humberside Approach
4300 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
4301 — 4306 Assigned by CAA
4307 — 4317 London Control Non-Standard Flights
4320 — 4327 Ireland Domestic
RNAS Yeovilton
4330 — 4337 UK Domestic (Prestwick Centre Special Sector Codes)
4340 — 4353 UK Domestic (Scottish Special Sector Codes)
* 4354 — 4356 Westland Helicopters Yeovil
4357 Ireland Domestic
* 4357 RNAS Yeovilton Conspicuity
* 4360 — 4361 Coventry Airport Conspicuity
4360 — 4361 Oil Survey Helicopters – Faeroes/Iceland Gap
* 4360 — 4367 Westland Helicopters Yeovil
4360 — 4367 RAF Northolt
4362 — 4367 Coventry Approach
4370 — 4377 Anglia Radar
Ireland Domestic
RNAS Yeovilton
4400 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
4401 — 4427 Transit (ORCAM) Brussels
4430 — 4477 Assigned by CCAMS
4500 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
* 4501 Lands End GNSS Approach (See note 17)
* 4501 Wattisham Conspicuity
4501 — 4505 RAF Linton-on-Ouse
4501 — 4516 Oxford Approach
4501 — 4517 Prestwick Approach
4502 — 4547 Wattisham Approach
*4506 RAF Linton-on-Ouse Conspicuity
4507 — 4527 RAF Linton-on-Ouse
* 4517 Oxford SSR Frequency Monitoring Code (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5).
* 4520 Prestwick Conspicuity
* 4520 Oxford Approach Basic Service
* 4521 — 4527 West Wales Radar (NQY)
* 4530 RAF Linton-on-Ouse Conspicuity
* 4530 MoD Aberporth Conspicuity
4530 — 4546 Plymouth (Military) Radar
4531 — 4537 RAF Linton-on-Ouse
4531 — 4537 MoD Aberporth
* 4540 RAF Linton-on-Ouse Conspicuity
* 4540 — 4542 MoD Aberporth (See note 13)
4541 — 4547 RAF Linton-on-Ouse
* 4543 West Wales Airport UAS Conspicuity Code. Shall only be selected with AFIS direction.
* 4547 Plymouth (Military) Radar conspicuity
4550 — 4567 Plymouth (Military) Radar
4550 — 4567 Isle of Man
4550 — 4571 East Midlands Approach
* 4572 Aircraft operating outside of East Midlands Controlled Airspace/Zone and monitoring East Midlands Radar frequency (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
* 4572 Farnborough LARS West SSR Monitoring Code (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
* 4573 East Midlands Approach Conspicuity
* 4574 Not currently allocated for use in the UK FIR
* 4575 RAF Leeming/RAF Linton-on-Ouse (See note 4)
Southend Airport Conspicuity
* 4576 RAF Colerne Conspicuity (See note 6)
* 4576 Vale of York AIAA Conspicuity
4577 Vale of York AIAA Conspicuity
4600 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
* 4601 Hawarden Conspicuity
* 4601 MoD Ops in Salisbury Plain Training Area (See note 14)
4602 — 4607 Hawarden Approach
Anglia Radar
4610 — 4667 Swanwick (Military)
4670 — 4676 TC Stansted/TC Luton
* 4677 Carlisle Airport Conspicuity
Luton Airport Tower Conspicuity
4700 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
4701 — 4777 Assigned by CCAMS
Codes/Series Controlling Authority / Function
5000 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
5001 — 5012 London Control Non-Standard Flights
5013 — 5017 Assigned by CCAMS
5020 — 5036 Farnborough LARS North
* 5037 Farnborough LARS North Conspicuity
5040 — 5047 Assigned by CAA
* 5050 Liverpool Conspicuity
5050 — 5067 Bristol Approach
Southend Approach
5051 — 5067 Liverpool Airport
* 5070 Bristol VFR Conspicuity
* 5070 — 5071 RAF Syerston Conspicuity
5071 — 5076 Bristol Approach
* 5077 Bristol Frequency Monitoring Code (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
5100 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
5101 — 5177 CRC Boulmer
5200 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
5201 — 5270 Assigned by CCAMS
5271 — 5277 Transit (ORCAM) Channel Islands
5300 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
5301 — 5377 Transit (ORCAM) Barcelona
5400 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
5401 — 5477 Assigned by CCAMS
5500 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
5501 — 5577 Transit (ORCAM) Barcelona
5600 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
5601 — 5647 Transit (ORCAM) Paris
5650 — 5657 Transit (ORCAM) Luxembourg
5660 — 5664 Allocated to NATS as CCAMS redundancy
5665 — 5677 Assigned by CCAMS
5700 NATO ­ Aircraft receiving a service from AEW aircraft
5701 — 5777 Transit (ORCAM) Geneva
Codes/Series Controlling Authority / Function
* 6000 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
* 6001 — 6037 Special Events (Activated by NOTAM)
6040 — 6077 Swanwick (Military)
* 6100 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
6101 — 6157 Swanwick (Military)
* 6160 Doncaster Sheffield Conspicuity
6160 — 6176 Inverness Approach
6160 — 6176 Cambridge Approach
6160 — 6177 Plymouth (Military) Radar
6161 — 6167 Doncaster Sheffield Approach
* 6170 Aircraft operating outside of Doncaster Sheffield Controlled Airspace Zone and Monitoring Doncaster Sheffield Radar frequency (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
6171 — 6177 Doncaster Sheffield Approach
* 6177 Cambridge Conspicuity
* 6177 Inverness Conspicuity
* 6200 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
6201 — 6257 Assigned by CCAMS
6260 — 6277 Transit (ORCAM) Amsterdam
* 6300 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
6301 — 6377 Assigned by CCAMS
* 6400 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
6401 — 6457 Swanwick (Military) Radar
6460 — 6467 Assigned by CCAMS – Not in use in the UK as these codes cause conflictions with France
6470 — 6477 Allocated to NATS as CCAMS redundancy
* 6500 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
6501 — 6577 CRC Scampton
* 6600 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
6601 — 6677 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
* 6700 NATO – CAOC Uedem (activated by NOTAM via ASACS Force Command)
6701 — 6777 Transit (ORCAM) France
Codes/Series Controlling Authority / Function
* 7000 General conspicuity code (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph
* 7001 Military Fixed-wing Low Level Conspicuity/ Climb-out (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph
* 7002 Danger Areas General
* 7003 Red Arrows Transit/Display
* 7004 Conspicuity Aerobatics and Display (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph
* 7005 High-Energy Manoeuvres
* 7006 Autonomous Operations within TRA and TRA (G) (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph
7007 Open Skies Observation Aircraft
* 7010 Operating in Aerodrome Traffic Pattern (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph
* 7011 — 7013 Assigned by CAA
7014 — 7017 Allocated to NATS as CCAMS redundancy
7020 — 7027 Assigned by CCAMS
* 7030 RNAS Culdrose Conspicuity
7030 — 7044 Aldergrove Approach
7030 — 7046 TC Thames/TC Heathrow
7030 — 7066 Durham Tees Valley Airport
7030 — 7077 Aberdeen (Northern North Sea Off-shore) (See note 3) 
7031 — 7077 RNAS Culdrose
* 7045 Aircraft operating within 40 miles of Belfast/Aldergrove, operating outside of Belfast/Aldergrove CTR/Belfast TMA and monitoring Belfast/Aldergrove Approach frequency (Refer to ENR 1.6, para 2.2.5)
7046 — 7047 Aldergrove Approach
* 7047 TC Thames (Biggin Hill Airport Conspicuity)
RNAS Culdrose Conspicuity
7050 — 7056 TC Thames/TC Heathrow
* 7057 TC Thames (London City Airport Conspicuity)
* 7066 Lydd Approach VFR
* 7067 Durham Tees Valley Airport Conspicuity
Lydd Approach IFR
7070 — 7076 TC Thames/TC Heathrow
* 7077 TC Thames (London Heliport Conspicuity)
* 7100 SSR Code Saturation
7101 — 7177 Transit (ORCAM) Brussels
7200 RN Ships
7201—7267 Allocated to NATS as CCAMS redundancy
7270 — 7277 Assigned by CCAMS
* 7300 UAS/RPA Lost Link (See note 15)
7301 — 7327 Assigned by CCAMS
7330 — 7347 Transit (ORCAM) Netherlands
* 7350 Norwich Approach Conspicuity
7350 — 7353 RNAS Culdrose
7350 — 7361 MoD Ops in EG D701 (Hebrides)
7350 — 7365 Manchester Approach
7350 — 7376 Bournemouth Approach/LARS
7351 — 7377 Norwich Approach
* 7354 — 7355 RNAS Culdrose Conspicuity
7356 RNAS Culdrose
*7357 RNAS Culdrose Conspicuity
7360—7367 RNAS Culdrose
* 7362 MoD Ops in EG D702 (Fort George)
* 7366 Aircraft operating within 5 nm of Manchester CTR and maintaining a listening watch only on the Manchester Approach frequency (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.5)
7367 — 7373 Manchester Approach
* 7374 Dundee Airport IFR Procedural Approach
* 7375 Manchester TMA and Woodvale Local Area
(Woodvale UAS Conspicuity)
* 7376 Dundee Airport VFR Conspicuity
* 7377 Bournemouth Radar Conspicuity
* 7400 MPA/DEFRA/Fishery Protection/METMAN
(Civil Contingency) Conspicuity
* 7401 Scottish FIS (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph
* 7402 RAF Leuchars Conspicuity
7402 — 7414 TC Stansted/TC Luton
7402 — 7417 RAF Shawbury
7402 — 7436 RNAS Yeovilton
7402 — 7437 Anglia Radar
7403 — 7427 RAF Leuchars
* 7417 Cranfield Airport – IFR Conspicuity Purposes
* 7420 RAF Shawbury Conspicuity
7421 — 7425 RAF Shawbury
* 7426 RAF Shawbury Conspicuity
7427 — 7437 RAF Shawbury
* 7437 RNAS Yeovilton Conspicuity
7440 — 7477 Transit (ORCAM) France
* 7500 Special Purpose Code – Hi-Jacking
7501 — 7507 Assigned by CCAMS
7510 — 7535 Transit (ORCAM) Switzerland
7536 — 7537 Assigned by CCAMS
7540 — 7547 Transit (ORCAM) Germany
7550 — 7567 Transit (ORCAM) Paris
7570 — 7577 Assigned by CCAMS
* 7600 Special Purpose Code – Radio Failure
7601 — 7617 Allocated to NATS as CCAMS Redundancy (Prestwick Upper)
7620 — 7677 Assigned by CCAMS
* 7700 Special Purpose Code – Emergency
7701 — 7775 Assigned by CCAMS
* 7776 — 7777 SSR Monitors (Refer to ENR 1.6, paragraph 2.2.4)


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