Weather: LEVEL 2 HEATWAVE ALERT!! but not for us… we will get wet though!
NewsWelsh NHS to become a ‘living wage’ employer, increases will come into effect from September.
NewsIts going to be a bad one for hayfever sufferers on Today!
NewsSo just what will Parc Adfer do? incinerate waste of course, here’s a video:
NewsHouse planning system in Wales is in need of radical overhaul.
NewsFSA: People of Wales urged to stop washing raw chicken
NewsWelsh Affairs Committee: ‘shale gas represents an opportunity for Wales’
NewsPeople in Cheshire have £200 a month more disposable income than people in Flintshire, statistically!
NewsFirst new council houses in 25 years to built in Flintshire County Council
NewsJust a few days to go before demolotion decision is made on historic Ewloe pub
NewsFancy eradicating some invasive non-native species? its ‘BIG DEE DAY’ again.
NewsBengal Dynasty nominated by local MP to take part in prestigious ‘Tiffin Cup’
NewsWork gets underway on Wingmaker’s new state-of-the-art 3G pitch
NewsSocial media appeal launched after ferret was seen running around Shotton.
NewsHouse Prices: 4.9% increase in Wales in the year to March
NewsGoogle adds realtime transport information to maps & it works in Deeside
NewsCrime Recording At North Wales Police Examined
NewsFirefighters call more strikes after government refuses compromise on pensions.