Posted: Thu 24th Sep 2015

Police use undercover lorry cab in Flintshire to nab drivers flouting the law including 7 who were on the phone.

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Sep 24th, 2015

Officers from North Wales Police’ Roads Policing Unit took to the roads of Flintshire in an unmarked lorry cab targeting drivers who flout the law.

Driving whilst using a mobile phone, failing to wear a seatbelt and defective tyres were some of the offences detected during an operation by officers using a plain lorry cab yesterday, Wednesday 23rd September.

The operation was done as police throughout Wales launched their annual campaign targeting drivers who use their mobile phones whilst behind the wheel.

Sergeant Jason Diamond, who was in charge of the initiative said:

During the operation 21 offences were detected. Some of the most worrying were those who were not in proper control of their vehicle, including seven drivers who were found to be driving whilst using a mobile phone.

“Any vehicle not being driven safely can be a lethal weapon and drivers need to be responsible for their actions when they get behind the wheel.

“Six drivers were also found to be driving without wearing their seatbelt, three HGV’s were found to be overloaded and two vehicles were on the road with defective tyres. One car had tyres so bad that it was given an immediate prohibition and was not allowed to move until the tyres had been changed.

“Despite our regular messages regarding road safety people continue to drive whilst using a phone, which is worrying. Not only are people using their phones to make calls they are also checking their emails and visiting social media sites whilst behind the wheel.”


Defective tyres were spotted during the operation

North Wales Police have a robust strategy around enforcing the ‘Fatal 5’ offences which are failing to wear a seat belt, drink and drug driving, dangerous and careless driving including unnecessary risk taking, speeding and using a mobile phone while driving.

Officers are committed to assisting in reducing casualties on the road through the use of targeted enforcement operations around high risk groups of people and locations while enforcing the ‘Fatal 5’ offences.

Sergeant Diamond added:

“The risk of being seriously injured or killed rises dramatically if a decision is taken to commit a ‘Fatal 5’ offence and I want people to be aware of the devastating effect it can have and make a conscious decision not to take any chances.”

“Today has been a real eye opener and we intend on carrying out similar operations in the future.”



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