Planning: Six luxury holiday lodges on farmland near Holywell rejected by council

Plans to build six luxury holiday lodges on farmland near Holywell have been rejected by Flintshire’s planning authority.
The owners of Waen-y-Lloc Farm in Lloc had put forward the proposals in a bid to try and meet the demand for tourist accommodation in the area.
The development would have seen a change land use to allow six timber-clad three-bedroom holiday lodges together with an access track.
In a supporting statement, landowner Ieuan Hughes said: “This proposal will provide accommodation in an area where tourist demand is on the increase.
The proposal is located close to the A55 with easy access to both inland and coastal tourist attractions.
This proposal would enhance tourist facilities in this area without impacting on the open countryside.
The chosen location is away from public view and will be enhanced by planting with native species.”
Whitford Community Council objected to the plans due the area of Lloc “becoming overdeveloped by this type of application in the open countryside.”
There were eight letters of objections to the plans were received from local residents, issued raised included a potential increase in noise and light pollution, lack of privacy to neighbouring properties and harm to the character and appearance of the local area.
Concerns to pedestrian safety due to lack of pavements along the A5026 and A5151 and poor visibility from the site entrance onto the public highway were also raised.
In a report Planning Officer Katie Jones outlined the reason for refusal, she said:
“It is considered that the proposed development would not comply with the relevant planning policies, with consideration given towards the impact the proposal would have on the character and appearance of the immediate and wider rural landscape, and concerns expressed regarding the protection of private amenity of both existing and future occupiers neighbouring the site.
The Local Planning Authority considers the proposed development would be harmful to the character and appearance of the immediate and surrounding rural area conflicting with Policy T4 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan which seeks to ensure the scale of new holiday chalet developments are appropriate to the characteristics of the site and locality.”
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