Owners of Buckley ‘klepto cat’ invite neighbours to reclaim stolen items

The owners of a real-life cat burglar have taken to social media in an attempt to reunite the rightful owners with dozens of items, including plant pots and toys, stolen from neighbours.
Gingee, a 4-year-old Maine Coon, seems to exhibit an unconventional habit for stealing predominantly plastic items, thought to be from houses in the Elfed Drive area of Buckley
Her inclination for pilfering is certainly a cut above the usual mouse or bird; Gingee’s haul includes kitchen scissors, swimming goggles, and even a colander.
Gingee’s owner, Jay Phoenix, first noticed her extraordinary behaviour last Christmas.
With scissors gone missing and Sellotape disappearing, Jay and his partner found their home turning into a mystery, with Gingee as the enigmatic protagonist.
However, it was when they spotted her nonchalantly dragging away a pair of scissors with her mouth that the pieces of the mystery fell into place.
Since that revelation, the purloining continues unabated.
The list of pinched items includes 2 pairs of child’s swimming goggles, 4 plastic plant pots, 1 mini shopping basket, several plastic toys, and another pair of kitchen scissors – presumably for when the first pair becomes too mainstream for our discerning cat burglar.
The frequency of Gingee’s escapades averages about four heists a week, sometimes more.
Her loot is presented proudly to her owners, presumably as gifts, marking her territory in the most unusual way.
When her owners posted pictures of Gingee’s collection on the Buckley Resident’s Facebook page, the reaction was as baffled as it was amused.
Over 200 likes and countless comments later, the residents of Buckley were left both bewildered and amused by this feline felon’s shenanigans.
The items brought back by Gingee have yet to be claimed by their rightful owners.
Jay said, “She definitely seems quite pleased with herself sometimes. She leaves them right where we can see them, so clearly she believes they are gifts for us.”
“We don’t scold her or anything. We just find it hilarious now. It’s the most bizarre behaviour we’ve ever seen. We just post on Facebook every time she brings something back, hoping someone will claim it.”
In a surprising turn of events, an owner did come forward to claim a lost item, only to find it had disappeared again – presumably reclaimed by Gingee for her stash.
Gingee’s owners admit they find her behaviour more amusing than troublesome.
Jay said, “Other than being a little thief, Gingee is the most loving, attention-seeking cutie you’ll ever meet. She loves meeting new people and having a fuss made of her.”
“She likes to be close to you, so will often wander up to us on the sofa and just flop down beside us and fall asleep. She’s unique and gorgeous!”
The couple advise other cat owners experiencing similar antics to install a cat cam for surveillance and enjoy the spectacle. After all, bits and bobs are certainly preferable to mice and birds!
She might have a penchant for petty theft, but her adorable quirks have only endeared her more to her owners and the people of Buckley alike. As the saying goes – curiosity thrilled the cat!
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