Massive Jobs boost for Deeside as Northern gateway project is given the ‘green light’ by Councillor’s
The multi million pound NORTHERN GATEWAY project, which will see 600 new homes a hotel and shop built on the former Corus steel works site, has been given the ‘green light’ by Councillor’s at a Flintshire County Council planning meeting today.
The proposed £200m development would “change the face of the economy in Flintshire” bringing an additional £11m per year into Deeside.
Site owner Pochin Rosemound wants to develop 172 acres (70 hectares) of land off Welsh Road, Garden City.
Councillors to approved the plan today, the development represents a huge investment in Deeside and bringing thousands of new jobs to the area.
A report says the land which is part of the 200 hectare Deeside Enterprise Zone including the former RAF base at Sealand site is also earmarked for major redevelopment bringing “investment and new jobs, particularly in the manufacturing sector”.
The Shotton steelworks site will be linked via a”walkable neighbourhood” with existing footpaths and cycle routes and is serviced by Hawarden Bridge railway station.
The Listed John Summers building will be retained and renovated.
Inside the John Summers building:
Stairway inside John Summers building:
Andrew Farrow expects the scheme to bring over 4,000 permanent and temporary jobs to the area:
“The proposed development has the potential to bring about a series of significant benefits in terms of housing provision, employment opportunities and community infrastructure…It is expected that the scheme will deliver 2,800 temporary construction jobs and 2,169 permanent jobs. It will deliver a range of housing type to meet local needs and consequentially there will be additional demand for local services supporting local regeneration.”
Link to all the planning documents: