Man arrested and extra police patrols after vehicles and elderly residents targeted by thieves in Flintshire
An operation involving local officers, roads policing units, armed alliance and alliance dog handlers stem launched following a series of crimes in Wrexham and Flintshire in recent weeks is yielding results police say.
Earlier this month North Wales Police received an increased number of reports of vehicle crime and domestic burglaries which included elderly residents being targeted.
Police say a response plan was swiftly put in place involving high visibility patrols and stop checks on suspicious vehicles.
“There has since been a sharp reduction in these offences in and no recent reports of burglaries of elderly residents’ properties.
One man has been arrested, two cars seized and stolen property recovered.” Said Chief Inspector Jon Bowcott.
Cars and vans have been targeted by thieves in Flintshire with more than 19 reports of thefts from vehicles in just one week.
A spate of burglaries saw keys to high powered performance vehicles being stolen and the cars taken.
Police have said a number of the recent offences ‘were of particular concern’ with elderly residents targeted while at home, the crimes took place in the twilight hours.
Chief Bowcott said:
“I joined North Wales Police in order to help people, prevent and detect crime and protect vulnerable people in our society.
Neither I nor my officers will tolerate the type of offences seen earlier this month. I remain greatly concerned about the impact they have and will continue to have on the victims, particularly the elderly.
To combat the offending pattern we have significantly increased patrols and stop checks on suspicious vehicles and individuals.
The operation, which will continue, involves local officers, colleagues from roads policing, armed alliance and alliance dog handlers who have the specialist skills to deal with the most serious criminals.
I want to stress that the armed officers are acting in their capacity as highly trained drivers and pro-active officers and not in a firearms role. Thankfully none of the offences we saw at the start of the month involved the criminal use of firearms.
Our investigation into these offences continues so we can arrest the criminals responsible and put them before the courts.
I would like to thank Flintshire and Wrexham County Councils for assisting us to identify potential victims, so we can conduct pro-active patrols and reassurance visits.
I would also appeal to the public to remain vigilant, particularly in areas where there is a high concentration of elderly residents and to report anything suspicious especially around twilight when these offenders often target the vulnerable.”
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