Local MP goes pink for breast cancer awareness

Mark Tami, MP for Alyn & Deeside has joined the fight against breast cancer by taking part in Breast Cancer Campaign’s flagship fundraiser, wear it pink day.
The theme of wear it pink this year is to ‘look good, do good’ in support of breast cancer research.
On Friday 24 October people across the country will come together to find fun and stylish ways to wear pink in the office, at home or at school.
Donations raised by this year’s fashion inspired event will go to Breast Cancer Campaign to fund lifesaving breast cancer research.
Mark Tami MP said,
‘This is a great campaign that everyone can join in and contributes to funding that ensures world class research in breast cancer which will not only save lives but also give people quicker diagnosis times and more effective treatments.’
50,000 women and 350 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year and 12,000 women and around 80 men die from the disease each year.
Wear it pink on Friday 24 October to support Breast Cancer Campaign’s lifesaving research. For more information or to register for wear it pink and receive your fundraising pack visit www.wearitpink.org.
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