Posted: Wed 14th Sep 2022

Hawarden: Plans submitted for Manor Lane industrial unit to be converted into cafe

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Wednesday, Sep 14th, 2022

Jobs could be created if part of an industrial unit becomes a café and takeaway for drivers waiting for their cars to be serviced.

An application has been made to Flintshire Council seeking to change the use of a unit at Jackson Court, Manor Lane, Hawarden.

The unit is currently vacant and the applicant currently occupies another nearby unit, but is looking to expand, offering food refreshment services to clients waiting to collect or have their cars serviced.

A supporting statement submitted with the planning documents says: “The proposal is sought for the change of use from industrial use to industrial with café/takeaway facility.

“There are no proposed external changes other than the addition of a flue to the rear elevation to extract and filter odours from the kitchen.

“The internal ground floor is proposed to stay the same however, with a complementary ancillary use of approximately 50 sqm to be café – used by customers waiting for garage services to be completed and any other persons on the industrial estate that requires refreshments.

“The café will have two full time members of staff. The proposed opening times for the café will differ from the unit – it will be open from 7am – 3pm, Monday – Saturday; closed Sunday and Bank Holidays.

“The unit will open as the current garage business hours, which are: Saturday 8am – 1.30pm; closed Sunday and Bank Holidays; Tuesday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.30pm.”

If the plans are given the go ahead, employment opportunities will be created according to the statement submitted by agents on behalf of the applicant.

“The café will generate job opportunities and provide a service that reduces the needs for customers and employees in the vicinity to travel in search of refreshments”, it said.

“There is parking for the unit across the frontage and communal parking within the large courtyard area.

“This café business is to be a local facility and it is anticipated that the majority of the customers would walk to the premises and should they drive there is ample unrestricted parking in the courtyard.”

Flintshire Council’s planning committee will make a decision on the application at a future date.

Rory Sheehan – Local Democracy Reporter (more here).

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