Full text From The Transport Infrastructure (North Wales) Debate Westminster Hall 26th November
Mark Tami MP lead a Westminster Hall debate on Tuesday on the Transport Infrastructure in North Wales.
Mark Tami MP who won the ballot to hold this debate said:
‘I think it is very important that we start a national debate about the transport infrastructure in North Wales. Unfortunately there is an invisible line between England and Wales which can make it hard for people to travel across the border unless they have a car.
The UK Government need to work with the Welsh Assembly Government to ensure that this line can be crossed and that there is improved transport links across the border.’
‘The Deeside Enterprise Zone is an economic hub for North Wales and it is expected that there will be 7,000 new jobs created in the upcoming years. It is therefore important that the companies are able to invest in the area knowing that they can rely on a transport infrastructure to deliver their goods. Which is why I support the electrification of the Wrexham to Bidston line as I believe it would immensely benefit both North Wales but also the North West of England.’
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