Flintshire woman with Ovarian cancer joins forces with Hannah Blythyn AM to call for better awareness of disease

Hazel Lynes from Mold, who has had a diagnosis of ovarian cancer, joined Hannah Blythyn AM in the National Assembly for Wales recently to call for more support for women with ovarian cancer across Wales.
Awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms among women in Wales is alarmingly low, leaving women without knowledge that could save lives, according to Pathfinder Wales.
The Wales-wide research found that:
- Just one in five women in Wales (17 per cent) could name bloating as a major symptom of ovarian cancer, an alarmingly low rate of awareness.
- Over one third (36 per cent) of women visit their GP three times or more before being referred for ovarian cancer tests.
- One in four women (27 per cent) wrongly assumes that cervical screening also detects ovarian cancer.
Around 350 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Wales every year, and 240 women lose their lives to the disease.
Wales has increased efforts to raise awareness of ovarian cancer in recent years, and implemented new pilot diagnostic centres aiming to reduce the time it takes to diagnose cancers.
But awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer among GPs and women is still low. Target Ovarian Cancer is calling on the Welsh Government to launch a national, public-facing ovarian cancer awareness campaign to ensure women know the symptoms of ovarian cancer and the importance of going to their GP.
Knowing these cancer symptoms could save lives – being diagnosed at the earliest stage of ovarian cancer doubles a woman’s chances of survival.
Hazel Lynes said:
I want to call on the Welsh Government and health bodies to invest in ovarian cancer awareness, care and support. I have been through the system and received surgery and chemotherapy after my diagnosis.
It is so important that every woman living with ovarian cancer in Wales feels counted, and receives the best care and access to new treatments.
Hannah Blythyn said:
I was very pleased to attend Target Ovarian Cancer’s event in the National Assembly to mark their major new Pathfinder Wales report.
Many of us will have a friend or family member who has been affected by ovarian cancer, and as the Pathfinder Wales report underlines, raising awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer must remain our key focus.
The importance of raising awareness of ovarian cancer is something that is not only a priority for me as a politician, but is a personal priority of mine.
I’m determined to continue working hard in my role as the Assembly Member for Delyn, alongside charities such as Target Ovarian Cancer, in order to increase the awareness of this cruel cancer amongst all women.
Target Ovarian Cancer’s Pathfinder study is the only one of its kind in Wales, and looks at all aspects of living and working with ovarian cancer.
These statistics are part of a report previewed at an event at the Welsh Assembly on 28 June. To find out more, visit www.targetovariancancer.org.uk/PathfinderWales
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