Flintshire has the best roads in Wales – Wrexham's are among the worst.

According to the annual Welsh Government ‘Length & Condition of Roads in Wales‘ [PDF] report published today; Flintshire’s roads are the best in Wales when it comes to condition, while Wrexham has the second highest amount of road in need of attention.
The report looks at the proportion of the road network within each local authority in need of further investigation due to being in poor condition, it says overall last year 12.8 per cent of the Wales motorway network and 14.3 per cent of the trunk road network required close monitoring of structural condition compared with 11.2 per cent and 12.8 per cent respectively in 2012
During 2013-14 Powys had the highest proportion of road network in need of further investigation due to its condition, 20 per cent, followed by Wrexham at 16.7% up 2% on the previous year, while Flintshire came bottom (which is good) of the table with just 4.3% a near 1% improvement on the previous year.
Any merger of the Flintshire and Wrexham councils, which as we know has been mooted by the Welsh Government, would be of huge benefit to Wrexham road users it seems with Flintshire being able to bring a high level of road maintenance expertise to a potential merged council table.
Information on the structural condition of major roads is usually collected by Deflectograph Surveys which is an automated technique for measuring the deflection of a road surface under a standard load.
The information is based on the performance indicator data for local authorities in Wales, compiled by the Local Government Data Unit ~ Wales, together with administrative data compiled for the management of the trunk road and principal road networks in Wales
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