Fire takes hold in former cricket club building in Hope

Update: A North Wales Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: “A quantity of rubbish was alight, two pumps, one from Deeside and one from Wrexham, they used one hose reel and breathing apparatus.”
Previous report: Fire crews are in attendance at a fire on Stryt Isa in Hope.
The derelict building is the old cricket club and has been burning since late afternoon and has engulfed the entire building.
One local resident told us the initial fire crew took around 30 minutes to respond, “By time they got there hole place was alight the roof was cracking, one pump from Wrexham arrived about a hour half after it being reported. Just lucky it was not house with people living in.”
Extra crews are attending the Llangollen fires around 9 miles south of the Hope incident – more here.
More shortly.
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