Posted: Tue 24th Nov 2020

Environmental permit review will result in reduced emissions from Connah’s Quay power station next year

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, Nov 24th, 2020

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) says it has completed a review of the environmental permits of five large scale power stations in Wales including Connah’s Quay.

The review will result in enhanced environmental performance and reduced emissions from next year NRW has said.

The permits at Connah’s Quay Power Station, Pembroke Power Station, Severn Power Station, Baglan Bay Power Station and Barry Cogeneration Plant have all been reviewed against the latest industry best practice – the EU Best Available Techniques Reference Document (BREF).


NRW said the permits have now been re-issued with updated conditions and tightened air emission limits for pollutants such as nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide.

This is a requirement of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) and ensures that all plants continue to use the best techniques for preventing or minimising emissions and impacts on the environment.

Techniques can include both the technology used and the way an installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned.

Holly Noble, Permitting Team Leader from NRW said:

“Gas fired power stations produce almost 75% of all electricity generated in Wales, so it’s an important industry, but as the regulator it’s also important that we continue to seek the best environmental performance.

“Earlier this year, the Welsh Government announced new proposals to ensure that all homes in Wales are heated and powered only from clean energy sources – as part of their wider plans to address the climate emergency.

“The BREF publication, and our permit review coincides with RWE’s decision to close and decommission the coal-fired power station at Aberthaw, which we are currently overseeing. Their decision will also significantly contribute towards Wales’ carbon reduction targets and will mean that power generation in Wales will be coal-free, five years ahead of the UK’s target of 2025.”

The environmental permits of other industries will also be subject to the same review by NRW next year. These include the Waste Treatment, and Food, Milk and Drink sectors.


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