Buckley youth given 3 month curfew following anti social behaviour offences

A Buckley teenager has been banned from leaving home between 7pm and 7am following a spate of anti-social behaviour offences.
The youth has also been banned from a retail premises in Buckley for 9 months and ordered to carry out 40 hours of unpaid work.
Offences included shoplifting and threatening and abusive behaviour.
Police have been dealing with a significant rise in anti-social behaviour around the Buckley area involving groups of youths.
Officers have used dispersal orders in a bid to crackdown on the anti-social issues and patrols have been stepped up.
Police have vowed to identify and deal with the “problem youths” causing problems in Buckley.
In a statement, a spokesperson for South Flintshire Police Team said: “Following a prolonged period of Anti-Social behaviour in the Buckley area, today (Tuesday) we have been able to put one of the problem youths before the court as unfortunately he had exhausted all other intervention.”
“Offences included shoplifting and threatening and abusive behaviour.”
“He received a 7pm-7am curfew for 3 months, 40 Hours unpaid work and an exclusion order from a local retail premises for 9 months.”
“We will continue to identify and deal with these problem youths and take appropriate enforcement.”
“Don’t start adult life with a criminal record!”
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