Asda to give workers £413 bonus as a thanks for “continued hard work”

Asda is to give its store workers a bonus of up to £413 in February’s pay packet.
The supermarket chain which has stores in Queensferry, Flint, Broughton and Saltney has said it’s 103,000 hourly-paid workers across the UK will share a £27.8m bonus pot.
The average bonus for a store colleague working full time will be £413, while the average figure for all hourly-paid store colleagues is £269.
Asda says it “remains the only supermarket to offer hourly-paid store colleagues a bonus scheme once they have completed a three-month probationary period.”
Hayley Tatum, Asda’s People Director, said: “This payout is only possible thanks to the continued hard work and dedication of our store colleagues.
They did a fantastic job serving millions of customers last year, often in challenging circumstances due to the pandemic, and their bonuses are well deserved.”
Asda is embroiled in pay row with its lorry drivers, warehouse staff and clerical workers who voted this week to reject a pay offer.
Almost 70 per cent of the 8,000 Asda distribution staff who are members of GMB union turned down the below-inflation pay offer.
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