Update: New traffic lights at Deeside Industrial Estate Interchange switched off after long delays

Flintshire Council has confirmed the new traffic lights at Deeside Industrial Estate Interchange have been switched off following long delays.
Despite assurances that traffic is being monitored to ensure that “there are no further issues”, drivers have been stuck in traffic again this morning on approaches to Deeside Industrial Estate Interchange.
Traffic Wales has reported that the average delay for commuters this morning has been around 12 minutes.
However, many commuters have endured much longer delays as they navigate their way to work.
Work has been ongoing to upgrade the interchange, which includes the installation of part-time traffic lights.
Commuters travelling to and from the industrial estate have faced lengthy queues and significant delays during rush hour over the past few days due to the new traffic signals on the interchange roundabout.
Traffic has been queuing on all approaches to the interchange, with the worst congestion coming from the M56 and A540.
The decision to install the traffic lights has drawn criticism, with some questioning the reasoning behind the changes.
The Welsh Government has stated that the work around the A494 at Sealand will “ease the impact of traffic generated by The Airfields development”.
This development will include over 800 houses and an 11-unit ‘District Centre’ with a convenience store and medical practice. A significant new tissue manufacturing site is also expected nearby.
The road improvements are intended to enhance traffic flow and reduce congestion in the area.
Following extended delays on Wednesday, Flintshire Council stated it is monitoring peak times over the next 24 hours to ensure there are no further issues.
Absolute joke this traffic up to Deeside Industrial Est @DeesideDotCom, getting better my bum!!!!
— The Dragons Den Hockey (@TheDragonsDenIH) May 11, 2023
@FlintshireCC Don’t appreciate being lied to. Clearly no-one was monitoring the traffic chaos on the Deeside roundabout. Just as bad today as yesterday. My 10min commute shouldn’t be taking me 40-50 mins!!! @DeesideDotCom
— Amanda Hewitt (@amandajhewitt) May 11, 2023
Are they monitoring it via Google Traffic from their beds?
— Bryan Evans (@bryrems) May 11, 2023
A Flintshire County Council spokesperson told Deeside.com today:
“The lights have been turned off and will not be reinstated until the issues have been resolved. Traffic management will be maintained during this time.”
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