Posted: Fri 25th Mar 2022

Plans to build a huge new paper mill in Deeside creating over 400 jobs backed for approval

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Friday, Mar 25th, 2022

Plans to build a huge new paper mill in Deeside that will create hundreds of new jobs have been recommended for approval

Italian company Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti Group (ICT) announced proposals earlier this year for a 700,000 sq ft paper mill at the Northern Gateway site near Garden City.

The firm said the move to redevelop part of the former RAF Sealand site would result in the creation of over 400 jobs and provide a multi-million pound boost to the area’s economy.

An application was lodged with Flintshire Council in March, in a statement accompanying the documents, the company said the scheme would help to tackle deprivation in the county.

It said: “The proposed development is located in an area which has been identified as the focus for economic growth, it is a location of sub regional, regional and national importance.

“It will not only have a significant role in meeting the established employment needs and deliver on long term employment allocations, it will also play a significant role in the wider sustainability of the area.

“The immediate locality is relatively deprived both overall and within the employment domain.

“The delivery of employment land at this location will therefore serve to improve access to employment.

“Furthermore, the development will play a significant role in responding to a substantial shortfall in the domestic production of tissue paper product, currently estimated to be circa 340,000 tons per annum.”

The mill, based on a 50 acre site, would produce paper products such as toilet rolls, kitchen towels and napkins for the UK and Irish markets.

The Welsh Government has provided £5m towards the facility as part of a larger investment in March to move the development of the Northern Gateway forward.

Approximately 100 responses were received during a consultation on the proposals, with more than half of respondents expressing their support for the scheme.

However, concerns were raised regarding potential pollution and traffic issues.

An Interim Travel Plan was submitted with the planning application to consider traffic flows and junction capabilities.

“The assessment of the impacts has shown that no higher significance of effects than a minor adverse impact was shown.”

In a report, Flintshire Council’s chief planning officer Andrew Farrow said: “Due to the nature of the proposed development the Local Authority has maintained that the protection of ecological matters is a significant material planning consideration when determining this application.”

“The ecological matters are complex and wide ranging.”

“The applicant has supplied significant evidence to demonstrate that there development will not give rise to any adverse impact.”

“The scale of the development is not insignificant and once fully built out will be highly visible within the site and from wider vistas.”

“A comprehensive Landscape Visual Impact Assessment has been supplied with the application which concludes that whilst there may be a minor impact on wider visual vistas, these are minimal when considering the context of the site.”

Natural Resources Wales confirmed that “subject to the inclusion of a number of ecological conditions to any planning consent then they raise no objection to the proposal.”

Mr Farrow said: “Construction and operational phases of the development could give rise to significant environmental impacts, including on marine quality and protected species.”

“The applicant has provided comprehensive studies and evidence to prove that subject to appropriate mitigation there will be no noticeable impact arising from the development.”

“Matters including flood risk and air quality have also been addressed.”

Whilst the scale of the development cannot be underestimated, particularly the building heights, Members must be aware of the context of this site with existing industrial units both within the Airfields site and on Deeside Industrial Park to the rear.”

“Careful incorporation of design choices and layout minimise any impact on the wider landscape or historical assets.”

“For the reasons outlined above it is considered that the proposal satisfies planning policy and I therefore recommend that planning permission is granted.”

The proposals will be considered by planning committee members at a meeting on Wednesday (March 30, 2022).

Shotton Paper Mill

A consultation has launched this week on plans to ‘repurpose’ Shotton Paper Mill which will see nearly 700 new jobs created.

The £600m redevelopment of the Deeside Industrial Estate site will create one of the most advanced technology paper mills in the world.

More here:





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