What the hell is that smell – Deeside air quality blighted by foul stench

UPDATE – Friday:
The stench levels have raised again today with reports that Queenferry is smelling particularly ‘rank’ this morning.
A putrid stench which has blighted Deeside air quality over the last few days appears to be drifting away this afternoon.
A strong breeze has helped clear the air of the stomach churning odour which could be smelt on Deeside Industrial Estate, Garden City, Sandycroft, Queensferry and Shotton.
Travelling around Deeside yesterday when the smell was arguably at its peak it was difficult to pin point the smelliest area however, after much sniffing, the junction between Shotton Lane and Chester Road East seemed to be the most ‘ripe.’
Commenting on the Deeside.com Facebook page one person said;
“It was really bad around Asda yesterday. And I could still smell it at home in Plymouth street in the evening. To me it smells exactly like the chicken factory. But why so far from there?
While another said;
“It does actually smell like something dead. Maybe stuck in the sewers blerghhhhhh. Nearly threw up yesterday
Another who thought something had died;
“We smelt it yesterday near queensferry/ garden city. I thought the same something dead hope not but it does stink. Xx
Sarah, mildly concerned many of the 40 or so comments allude to death said;
“I’m glad you all know what something dead smells like hahah. But I’m sure if it was something dead u wouldn’t smell across the whole of Deeside. If the farmers are speeding anything they have gotten cheap its probably got abit of everything possibly some dead pieces of chicken.
Getting to the umm, bottom of the issue, Flintshire County Council confirmed they had received complaints over the last few days about the stench.
Officers were dispatched this morning to root out the source of the smell, a spokesperson for the council said;
“An officer has been down to the area. Although unable to identify definitely what the smell was, it appears to have dissipated and was only slight. It is probably caused by the spreading of manure on nearby fields and the warmer weather has exacerbated the smell. It is expected to fade away. Another officer is investigating along the River Dee but has reported nothing to date”
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