Tackling domestic violence – “men need to change their behaviour and encourage other men to” says Jack Sargeant

The Member of the Senedd for Alyn and Deeside has called on men to change their behaviour and encourage others to do so too in order to tackle domestic violence against women.
Two women a week are killed at the hands of a current or former partner in England and Wales alone and almost one in three women will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime.
Jack Sargeant MS has spoken out about the need for men to take action and change behaviour individually and collectively to bring an end to these harrowing statistics.
Jack is an Ambassador for White Ribbon who engage with men and boys and encourage them to call out abusive and sexist behaviour among their friends, colleagues and communities to promote a culture of equality and respect.
Speaking in the Senedd chamber, Mr Sargeant said: “I want to be quite frank, and quite clear here: it is men who have to change their behaviour, and it is men who have to encourage other men to change their behaviour.
“Minister, you mentioned the international day coming up, and the White Ribbon Day on 25 November, and I will encourage all Members of the Senedd, all Government Ministers, and colleagues who work in this building, and those men outside of this building, that we all must make the White Ribbon promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.”
You can make the promise on the White Ribbon website – https://www.whiteribbon.org.uk/
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