Plans to part demolish the oldest church in Connah’s Quay and convert it into six flats refused

Plans to demolish the oldest church in Connah’s Quay and convert it into six flats have been refused by Flintshire planners.
The final service at Golftyn Presbyterian Church took place in September 2019 after serving as a place of worship for more than two hundred years.
The decision was taken after the church said congregation numbers had decreased over the years.
Plans were submitted to Flintshire Council to knock down part of the building to convert the rest of it into 4 one-bedroom flats and 2 two-bedroom flats.
Applicants M.A.D.E Developments said the scheme would provide “much-needed” low-cost accommodation.
In a planning statement, a representative said: “Golftyn Church was built in 1810 in a sub-classical style of the gable frontage.
“It is a dominant building in the street scene but is neither listed nor included on the local list of buildings of interest.
“Like many churches and chapels the congregations have fallen over the last two decades and the last service took place on 29 September 2019 after which it has remained empty.
“It is a substantial building which occupies virtually the whole of the site curtilage with side pedestrian access on its eastern boundary.
“There has been no demand for its continued use as a place of worship or for any other community use.
“The property has been sold with the intention to seek planning permission for the proposed development described below.”
The company said proposals to demolish part of the front of the church were necessary to create room for six off-street parking spaces.
During a consultation period, 28 responses were in support of the proposals with just two objections, one relating to parking provision the other around the type of housing.
A report from the Planning Officer, Alison Dean, points out the main issue considered with the application was the “impact on the character and appearance of the building and local area and the impact on the highway.”
Following a period of consultation, the agent provided amended plans to take into account some concerns raised by the Councils Highways Officer, “however the amendments did not address concerns raised by CAPEL or the Conservation Officer.”
A further statement submitted by the developers said, “conversion to a residential use is the only reasonable option.”
“Whilst it is acknowledged that all reasonable efforts should be made to protect buildings of merit where they contribute to the character of an area.”
The Planning Officer said the development was “acceptable in principle” but it has been refused on the grounds of an “adverse effect on the character and appearance of the building.”
The Officers Report states: “In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposed 1 and 2 bedroom residential units are acceptable in principle in the sustainable category A settlement and there are no objections from highways, however the removal of the principal elevation and a large section of the building directly behind to incorporate parking provision at the front and side of the building will result in an adverse effect on the character and appearance of the building and locality and will detract from the distinctiveness of the local area.”
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