Plans submitted to turn St Johns Church Connah`s Quay into flats

Plans to turn St Johns Church in Connah’s Quay into nine flats have been submitted to Flintshire County Council.
The Applicant has been submitted by Rev T Pratt for the Buckley & Deeside Circuit Methodist Church in Wales.
The Church is located on High Street Connah`s Quay
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This application is for the change of use and conversion of the building into residential flats.
The development will include basement car park/ garage and two storeys of residential accommodation comprising 9 flats.
The main access for vehicles will be at the rear off Fisherman’s Road on toa rear car park and entrance to the basement garages.

basement will be converted into a carpark
A key factor for the site proposal is to ‘conserve the attributes and keep the key characters of its locality’
The proposal will be integrated into its surroundings to minimise its impact to the area, its also proposed that the design will utilise the existing front, side and rear features of the church.
Full planning application can be viewed here