Posted: Fri 7th May 2021

LIVE: Senedd Election 2021 results

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Friday, May 7th, 2021


So that is the full results for North Wales – and we would invite everyone to visit the 7PM update again as we wrap up our updates.


Sources were spot on – the North Wales region result returns Plaid Cymru’s Llyr Gruffydd, Welsh Conservative Mark Isherwood, Welsh Conservative Sam Rowlands and Welsh Labour’s Carolyn Thomas.


North Wales regional party-list vote result very soon – sources tell us expecting 1x Plaid Cymru 2x Welsh Conservative and 1 x Labour. That is NOT confirmed yet.


We are expecting the regional list results for North Wales this evening – we have some very rough provisional figures for Wrexham and Clwyd South below from a source. Full results and official figures due possibly inside an hour from Flintshire.

We have ‘done a Colin Everett’ on this image – bottom one is not Freedom (excel autocomplete) it is independent Michelle Freda Brown. That candidate was also missed off a ballot paper.


That wraps up our live updates on the North Wales constituency results – we will further update if and when the regional list is announced from Flintshire tonight, however it could roll into tomorrow if counts do not complete this evening which is looking possible. Of course the Police and Crime Commissioner elections are yet to be called – that is for Sunday afternoon so check back then.

Thanks to all readers and those who have been in touch today, all who have read the various candidate profiles, and of course thanks to those candidates who were up for the challenge of questions and went on the record with their views.

This has been a very odd election to cover, and hopefully the next one will be back to normal!


We have the crayons out and have coloured in the constituency map for North Wales as all the results are in – with the regional slots to be counted and then calculated later.


Ynys Môn has a result:


Plaid HOLD Dwyfor Meirionnydd – with Mabon ap Gwynfor heading to Cardiff Bay.


We were about to say the Clwyd West results were due soon – and boom – a declaration:


Counts about to restart in Wrexham to tally up the regional list votes – they get counted locally and sent to Flintshire who are running the totalling operation for the North Wales region.


Alyn and Deeside result: Labour Hold

Jack Sargeant has held onto the Aly and Deeside seat.


Here are the results of the election for Wrexham:

Abolish the Welsh Assembly: 790
Reform UK: 187
Welsh Labour: 8452
Plaid Cymru: 4832
Gwlad: 110
UKIP: 378
Welsh Liberal Democrats: 755
Welsh Conservatives: 7102

Here are the results for Clwyd South:

UKIP: 522
Welsh Liberal Democrats: 730
Abolish the Welsh Assembly: 599
Welsh Conservatives: 7535
Reform UK: 277
Welsh Labour: 10,448
Plaid Cymru: 4094

The count video replay is below:


Labour’s Hannah Blythyn following the Delyn result in which she held the seat


Ken Skates gives an example of a pandemic election pointing out many candidates met for the first time today, he highlights Lib Dem Leena Farhat in his speech with words of encouragement.

Skates talks about working in unity, and looks towards local council elections with electioneering starting already when he talks about working together as a ‘cohesive’ unit.

Moving to a broader message he says the pandemic has highlighted changes, and “what we believe mattered, does not matter so much” and it is about “how we treat others” and speaks of a “greater purpose” including the environment and a “cohesive and respectful society”.


Labour HOLD Clwyd South


Clwyd South result expected imminently…


Lesley Griffiths thanks police, council and counting agents for helping facilitate an ‘extraordinary election’, adding she “never took one vote for granted” and is “so pleased to have your trust placed in me again”. Speaking on the wider context, ‘people felt the Welsh Government had a calm measured approach’ saying it shows people want Drakeford to keep leading that .


Labour HOLD Wrexham


Delyn result: Labour Hold

Hannah Blythyn has held onto the  Delyn seat.



Pic of where the declaration is taking place in Wrexham this year – not the usual stage and flowers in the sports hall!


We’re told the results are imminent and they’re a lot sooner than we expected them to be. So well done to the counters and Wrexham Council for being so efficient!


ITV’s political editor reports Conservatives are ‘conceding’ Wrexham


Sources tell us Wrexham and Clwyd South are set to remain Labour held, however that is not confirmed. Wrexham could end up being a very tight result.

We have activated the link for the video stream of the Wrexham declaration which is soon at the top of this page.


We’re told Delyn candidates are being called towards the stage. Results to be announced shortly


Bit of a yo-yo for Wrexham – We were told Welsh Conservatives were happy earlier on but that seems to have changed and now Labour seem confident it will be “comfortable”.

One person has also told us that there has been a strong Plaid Cymru vote and Wrexham could become a three way marginal.

Still no indication on when the results will be announced, but Wrexham Council are hoping to stream them live.


Wrexham Council have confirmed it is planning to stream the Wrexham and Clwyd South results as and when they’re done.


The Vale of Clwyd result could point to a tight result in Wrexham, with much expectation that VoC could turn blue – but perhaps with a wider margin.


Conservatives GAIN Vale of Clwyd after recount – with a majority of 366.


Labour sources seem confident of retaining Clwyd South, and although admitting Wrexham will be ‘close’ they still believe they will hold it. Conservatives in Wrexham seem verging on pure jubilation, ‘super confident’ saying they think they have ‘smashed it’. The only verdict that matters is what is in the ballot boxes.


Another hefty turnout on Anglesey – up from 50% last time round.


…and as the count start that means the verification is completed, and with that – turnouts!


Clwyd West one of the last in North Wales starting to count


BBC showing a relaxed Rhun ap Iorwerth – and a much more relaxed count environment, almost looking like 2016!


Gareth Wyn Williams is the Local Democracy Reporter for Gwynedd & Anglesey/Môn and has just said the count on Ynys Môn will be starting soon:


We have a recount in the Vale of Clwyd and lots of speculation Wrexham will be ‘very tight’. For reference the Electoral Commission guidance on recounts notes:

6.37 You must give the candidates and agents sufficient time to digest the
provisional result before proceeding with the declaration. It is at this point that
any candidate or election agent may request to have the votes recounted or,
following a recount, recounted again.

6.38 You must consider any recount request but by law may refuse if, in your
opinion, the request is unreasonable. You may, however, consider offering the
candidates and agents the opportunity to inspect the bundles of ballot papers
as a means of reassuring them that the result is accurate.

6.41 It is possible to have more than one recount. Again, it is for you to
consider any request, and you may refuse if in your opinion the request is

If there is still a draw, elections go to drawing lots, with the winner getting +1 added to their count.


Lots more space for pandemic measures in some counts compared to others:


Lots of updates on progress around now as verification ends and counting begins – Dwyfor Meirionnydd turnout hitting 52.7% turnout and the counting of votes for the Aberconwy constituency has begun.


ITV’s Political Editor has given some insight to the Vale of Clwyd recount, which many expected to possibly turn blue.


RECOUNT in Vale of Clwyd


Certainly set for a spread of results through into the evening – an update from Aberconwy giving a possible timeline for the result there:


Turn out Alyn and Deeside. 

In the 2016 Senedd Election, Alyn and Deeside posted the lowest turnout figure in Wales.

The turnout figure this time around is 39.7% – up slightly as seems the same around Wales.

Previous Alyn and Deeside Senedd election turnout figures:

2018: (by-election) 29.1%
2016: 35%
2011: 37%


Wrexham’s count started about 2:35PM, and in a total guess we would say could be looking result about half six. Again, total guesswork but having spoke to a few people Labour seem much more confident over Clwyd South than Wrexham, with Conservatives much more chirpy about possible prospects for Wrexham. Ten minutes into a proper count is the ultimate in ‘early days’ shout, but one did mention it could be very very very tight…


Turn out Delyn

Senedd Election 2021 turnout for Delyn 47% – slightly up on previous years.

Previous turnout figures:
2016: 43.3%
2011: 43%


The count for Alyn & Deeside is set to begin. There should be a turnout figure soon.


Wrexham Council confirm the 44% and apologise for the error – we are told the underlying number of electors is unchanged, its just the % calc bit that was wrong.


Conwy and Denbighshire Local Democracy Reporter Jez Hemming points out that Aberconwy and Clwyd West counts are due to kick off about 3PM, around the same time a much watched result from the Vale of Clwyd could be coming out.


The huge 59% turnout for Clwyd South… is not right. A correction has been issued – and it is 44%, which is up a little on 40.9% last time.

We are told the underlying number of electors is correct its just the percentage thats been incorrectly announced.

No alterations to the Wrexham figure.


A view on how all councils have adapted with similar mitigation today:


It is hard to judge, but looking back to 2016 it was about half one in the morning for the turnout figures for Wrexham so pandemic mitigation measures impacting the turnaround times. Count is due to start proper shortly in Wrexham after the counters have recharged their batteries.

(edit: this is now wrong – check the update at 2:20PM!)

Wrexham’s turnout: 43%
Clwyd South turnout: 59%

We are unofficially told that 59% represents 24,342 votes.

For reference Wrexham’s historic Senedd turnouts were: 2016 39.5% (20,354 votes) 2011 36.2% (18,687 votes), Clwyd South’s was: 2016 40.9% (22,159 votes) 2011 36.9 (20,037 votes).


As mentioned at 1:20PM Vale of Clwyd turnout is 46.3% up about 4%. Here is a tweet showing the count taking place:


Counts seem to be about an hour behind schedule in some places with Delyn about to get underway – but others a bit further behind:


The first result in Wales is out… a Conservative HOLD.


We are told verification part of the process is due to end ‘very very shortly’ and it is aimed that the count will start at 2PM. That usually means a turnout figure is imminent.


Turnout for the first of the North Wales constituencies is out – Vale of Clwyd is at 46.3%. This is up on five years ago.

Still no sign of the figures for Wrexham and Clwyd South


As we said earlier this morning, we are expecting verifications to complete around lunchtime with counts kicking off around 1PM for constituency votes – and the regional votes to be counted after that takes place.


Turnout: Turnout in Welsh Senedd elections is historically low. In Wrexham in 2016 just 20,354 people turned out to vote – and 22,159 in Clwyd South.

Given the light the pandemic has shone on devolution and decision making in Wales – along with 16 and 17 year olds voting for the first time – will more people have been inclined to turn out and vote this time?

Verification is still underway across Wales but one of the first constituencies in is Montgomeryshire – which has had a reported turnout of 50%. Up just 1.5% on 2016….


It appears across North Wales the rough 1pm kick off time for counting to start was and is a realistic goal.


Some observations from the below image of the counting area in Wrexham. In non-covid times you’d see a long line of people along the table and a lot more counters.

This time there is hand sanitiser on the tables, social distancing markings on the floor and walls and although the actual declaration isn’t taking place in the sports hall as normal, there is a small PA in the room.

Doors are open as people in the room are wearing coats and unlike normal there doesn’t seem to be party representatives wandering around checking the ballots as often as they perhaps normally would.


The verification in Wrexham is ongoing as the above picture shows from the Glyndwr sports hall. But where is our usual several hour live stream? There will be a feed later of the declaration taking place live – but not from the usual vantage point as it is taking place in a separate room and will be provided by Wrexham Council.

Normally media would be sprawled across the balcony corridor at the sports hall with use of the dance studio room behind, however due to pandemic mitigation the room and balcony have other uses – as part of a one way system and airflow. Media numbers are restricted today with access just at the declaration point across the way in a university lecture theatre – and we believe it is BBC / ITV and PA attending what will be a busy room due to the number of candidates as well. We discussed options with the council mid-February and for the first time decided to report on an election count remotely – it is worth noting we took that decision not just for our own health reasons, the impact of extra people on those who have to facilitate numbers (eg. cleaning down facilities) and did not feel comfortable effectively outsourcing our health risk to a third party.


All quiet on Wrexham and Clwyd South candidate social media – aside from UKIP’s Seb Ross sporting a facemask with a print of a mouth on to look like it is not there – there is a requirement for masks be to worn inside the declaration room in Wrexham later.

Another candidate, Leena Farhat in Clwyd South, has tweeted:

Leena added that she was stopped on the way to the count for a ” ‘Regular check’ (there have been many on trains recently) and I wasn’t wearing a mask because I was drinking coffee. I was asked where I was going, why, had to show prove that I was indeed heading to my count. I bet not a single other candidate at my count will get this treatment”.


Conservatives tell us they have had the proverbial ‘great reception on the doorstep’ during the last week and feel they have run a good campaign – with eyes very much on Wrexham and Vale of Clwyd.


Welsh Labour starting to brief that counting taking place today follows ‘an extremely tough night for the Labour Party at UK level’ and that ‘this is the backdrop against which our results in Wales need to be viewed’ – they cover all bases by saying they remain confident a ‘strong team of Welsh Labour MSs’ will be returned to the Senedd.


Denbighshire Council have tweeted the below image showing how the verification and counting process is taking place this year with pandemic measures in place.


This is what we are looking to colour in by the end of today, with the constituency results due first and then the regional list candidates counted and calculated.


We are hearing that the ‘turnout’ of postal votes returned is quite high – possibly in the region of 75% in some areas of north east Wales.


Counting underway now across north Wales – due to covid and social distancing it looks very different to what you normally see at election counts

There have been lots of reports and pictures of queues at polling stations yesterday in Wrexham and across Wales. However looking back we have reported on previous elections that had queues and busy periods – so is it an increase in turnout, or just the pandemic process in place?

When we voted it was excellently organised, but not a quick process as usual – there was a small queue, hand sanitising, mask checks, showing the polling card to get the reference, three potentially confusing ballot papers, popping them in the right box, and then go out a side door. Although there were two in with us, there has been report of one in one out systems running in some stations.

We perhaps will start to know the answer around midday!


The “verification” that is taking place now will tell us the turnout, this process was explained by a Returning Officer on North.Wales earlier:

The first job is to verify the ballot totals against the list of those handed out, against the ballot paper account.
Mr Davies said: “If the numbers in the box don’t correlate with the ballot paper account we ask them to check the numbers again.
“If we get the same number two or three times then we accept it. Because there are three different papers there’s always the chance the wrong paper will go into the wrong box.”


Good Morning ! Welcome to our live coverage of the results of yesterdays Senedd election – this page will be updated throughout the day, into the evening, and could even head into tomorrow morning!

As we wrote last night things are looking a bit different across Wales as the counts take place, not just in terms of things taking place today, but the pandemic measures in place to hopefully help keep people healthy today. Usually counts are busy warm sweaty exercises (at least from our point of view!) and take place in sports halls and various rooms the length and breadth of the country. As a result the number of observers and those able to get into or look at the count have been reduced, and counters will be extra spaced with the now common sanitising and other actions taking place.

All of this is expected to add time to what is usually a long process, so we are expecting verifications to complete around lunchtime with counts kicking off around 1PM for constituency votes – and the regional votes to be counted after that takes place.

We are expecting results to start to emerge anytime from 4PM if things are speedy, with Regional results expected later in the evening. Issues in the new process could extend both, and if recounts are needed that of course will extend things further.

Returning Officer for Wrexham and Clwyd South constituencies, Ian Bancroft, said: “It has been a very difficult process for these particular elections and every step has had to be carefully considered and risk assessed with the appropriate arrangements for a safe and secure vote put in place.

“I would like to thank everyone involved in this year’s elections for their flexibility, commitment and patience whilst we go through the process safely and securely.”

You will have also voted for a new Police and Crime Commissioner – but that count is on Sunday afternoon.

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