Jamie Mitchell found guilty of murdering Steven Wilkinson in Buckley

A man accused of stabbing his former friend to death has been found guilty of murder.
Jamie Mitchell, 25, has been found guilty of murdering Steven Wilkinson, 23 in Buckley, on October 4, 2022.
Mitchell had denied the charges, claiming that he began carrying a knife after his house was attacked.
He also stated that his friendship with the victim ended when he began dating Mr Wilkinson’s sister, Jessica.
During the trial at Mold Crown Court, the jury heard that Mitchell had stabbed Wilkinson on Precinct Way, in Buckley.
Speaking after the verdict, North Wales Police Detectice Supterimntent Mark Pierce, the Senior Investigating Officer, expressed gratitude to the jury for their diligent work and also stated that the family of the victim welcomed the verdict.
“I will make further comment after the sentencing hearing next Thursday,” said Det Sup Pierce.
“In the meantime, I am aware that the end of trial will present the possibility for the release of emotions and anger from those connected to this tragic incident and the local community.”
“We will continue to support Steven’s family as they begin their difficult journey in moving forward.”
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