Jack Sargeant wants to celebrate 125 years of steel making at Shotton by securing another 125 years

Shotton Steel turns 125 this year and Alyn and Deeside MS Jack Sargeant wants to celebrate by securing the next 125 years of steel making.
Jack is seeking Welsh Government backing to make Shotton Steel the first carbon neutral steel plant in the UK.
The member of the Welsh Parliament believes Shotton can play a major role in making the steel for a whole host of environmentally friendly schemes, like low carbon modular housing.
Jack asked the Welsh Economy Minister to continue work on opening a logistics hub in Shotton, to produce steel for modular housing.
Jack Sargeant MS asked: “Now, we do need to build back stronger and greener, and be ambitious in our plans for recovery to create jobs in Deeside.”
“This year, Shotton Steel turns 125, and I want it to be growing and employing people for the next 125 years.”
“Now, this has to be a major employer for our future generations. I want to see Shotton Steel become the first carbon-neutral plant in the UK, and I want it to produce the steel for the green products of the future.”
“So, Minister, will you continue your conversations with Tata Shotton about their logistics hub to supply green modular buildings of the future, and to support them in making the plants carbon neutral?”
Minister for the Economy Ken Skates replied: “There are few companies that are as good as Tata in Shotton in terms of employment prospects and development of the workforce.”
“We’re absolutely determined to secure a sustainable long-term future for the steel industry in Wales, including Tata Steel in Shotton, and we’re working to make sure that we work with those businesses in developing plans that will meet the aspirations of our zero-carbon targets.”
“And our new manufacturing plan, which was launched just last week, identifies some of the steps that are needed to decarbonise industry.”
“I’m pleased that we’re already participating in the £315 million industrial energy transformation fund, which provides capital investment in energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects.”
“Tata has been invited to take part—I’m pleased to say—in a study evaluating the future skills needs of foundation industries, with a specific focus on decarbonisation, and this is being co-ordinated by Innovate UK as part of the UK’s £150 million transforming foundation industries initiative.”
“So, Tata are demonstrating a clear determination to make sure that they can undergo a safe transition.75”
“And in terms of other opportunities for Shotton Steel, obviously, I was disappointed to learn that the Heathrow logistics hub work is not going ahead as intended.”
“I know that Tata Steel were looking forward to working on that. However, we fully support Tata Steel’s ambitions of developing its own logistics hub at Shotton, and my officials are working very closely with the company to explore the options for opening up the third access road, which will be so important in the development of a hub.”
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