Free Workshops to Celebrate Achievements & Promote Benefits of Youth Work
A series of workshops providing information on youth work and how people can get involved working with young people, will be held next week.
The free workshops will be held at Wrexham Glyndwr University to coincide with Youth Work Week in Wales.
Representatives from the university’s Youth and Community team and professionals in the field are offering free development opportunities throughout the week, running between June 23rd and June 30th.
During Youth Work Week in Wales the Welsh Government initiative aims to provide youth workers and young people with the opportunity to celebrate the achievements and impacts of youth work.
Jess Achilleos, lecturer on the Youth and Community Programme, said: “Wrexham Glyndwr University is the home of youth work Wales, with more than 37 years experience of delivering youth work education at its site in Wrexham.
“It is therefore fitting that we draw on our expertise and contacts to support Youth Work Week and share the good practice that is happening across the region.”
The series of training events will be open to youth workers and other professionals who work with young people and students. Those interested in finding out more about working with young people are also welcome to attend the event.
Youth Work Week also aims to promote a wider understanding and support for youth work and promoting the benefits of youth work.
Participants can choose from workshops on working with LGBT young people, tackling legal highs, bid writing, working creatively with young people and working with young people at risk of radicalisation.
Jess added: “Unfortunately it is difficult time for youth and community work, both locally and nationally and this is a real opportunity to celebrate and promote youth work; the benefits that it has for young people and also opportunities for youth work education here at Wrexham Glyndwr University.”
The university will host a series of free workshops held each day 10am-12noon on campus, including:- youth work practice in relation to LGBT young people; prevent agenda; an introduction to bid writing; working therapeutically with vulnerable young people and developing social enterprises to create opportunities and income and how to tackle former legal highs and volatile substance abuse.
The week will culminate with a celebration event to round up the week on June 30, 12-3pm.
You can book your place on the training events via Eventbrite or for more information you can email [email protected]
Further information about Wrexham Glyndwr University’s undergraduate Youth and Community Work courses can be found here.
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