Former Flint doctor’s surgery could be converted into 10-bedroom HMO

A former doctor’s surgery in Flint could be converted into a 10-bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO) under new proposals.
The Laurels Surgery closed the doors of its premises on Church Street in order to move to a new £5 million community health centre in the town.
The property was later sold with offers in the region of £185,000 being invited from bidders.
An application has now been submitted in Flintshire Council in order to transform the building into a HMO.
In a planning statement, agents working on behalf of the developer behind the scheme stressed that it would not have a negative impact on neighbours.
It follows concerns previously being raised by politicians about the social effect of HMOs in other parts of Flintshire.
Representatives from Saltney-based Civitas Planning Ltd said: “The building itself was, until November 2018, occupied by a doctor’s surgery, the surgery has since moved to a new premises more suitable for that use.
“The building has therefore been vacant for a period of six months.
“The proposal would not adversely affect the character or the area as it would physically harmonise with the site and surroundings as there will be no material change in its current appearance as a dwelling with the exception of the insertion of ground floor windows.
“Furthermore, it is not considered that overlooking of any neighbouring properties is created, as the former surgery was in use as a dwelling previously, as is clear from the architectural style and structure of the building.
“There is therefore no impact on the character of the area with regard to the living conditions of neighbours.”
The plans involve a number of internal changes to the building as well as the introduction of new windows.
The planners said the scheme complied with Flintshire Council’s guidance on HMOs which was published in February.
A total of five parking spaces have been earmarked for the accommodation, which is close to the town centre.
The local authority is currently inviting comments on the application and will aim to decide on it by the end of the month.
By Liam Randall – Local Democracy Reporter (more here).
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