Posted: Mon 20th Dec 2021

Enjoy the gift of Mold this Christmas as the town goes from strength to strength

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Monday, Dec 20th, 2021

The residents and business owners of Mold are living in a Winter Wonderland.

Not only is the town centre celebrating low vacancy rates and record footfall, the outlook for 2022 looks even brighter as more businesses look set to open and expand.

With 12 shops and organisations marking their first Christmas in the high street and surrounding area, there has been so much festive cheer to enjoy.

The popular Frost Fair was visited by hundreds of shoppers, and the Christmas Light Switch-on and Novemberfest were also well attended, despite the inclement weather.

Meanwhile, the thriving Mold Town Centre Facebook page goes from strength to strength, with traders sharing special offers, job opportunities, events and gift ideas with more than 6,000 followers.

“It’s been a remarkable year, one we will never forget,” said Joanna Douglass, Business and Regeneration Officer at Mold Town Council.

“Despite the challenges of the pandemic the spirit among residents and retailers has never been better, and as always I would like to thank them for their continued support.

“The events we have held in past weeks have been so well attended and our businesses have been at the forefront of these activities, showcasing their products and helping to create a buzz.

“We wish them all a very Happy Christmas and look forward to taking this strong finish to 2021 into the New Year and beyond.”


Among the dozen firms to join Mold’s booming retail core in past months was Daniel Morris Butchers.

“Since day one we have been busy, and while I knew this was a vibrant retail area, I had no idea what a sense of community there was,” said Daniel.

Judith Owen and Lynne Jones, owners of Bliss Lingerie, arrived in Earl Road over the summer and have already expanded and taken on a new warehouse to meet demand.

“It’s been absolutely great, there is a real buzz around the town and if anything, we could fill this shop several times over because our customer base has grown so quickly,” said Judith.

“It’s been fantastic, and we look forward to a successful Christmas.”

A fantastic 88 businesses are supporting the £5 Totally Mold voucher scheme, giving last-minute Christmas shoppers that perfect present idea.

Mayor Cllr Sarah Taylor urged people to get theirs asap and added: “The town centre businesses have been creative, resilient and determined to keep going whatever challenges have come their way, which is incredible.

“I hope people will continue to visit them in the run up to Christmas and do their shopping locally, at a time when they really need our support.”

She added: “I wish everyone in the town a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – it’s been one to remember.”

To purchase Totally Mold vouchers, visit or go along to the pop-up shop in the Town Hall on Earl Road anytime between 10am-3pm Tuesday to Thursday.

Alternatively, call 01352 758532. Expired Totally Mold vouchers can be exchanged for the new, blue version.

For more information including a full list of businesses in Mold town centre, visit the website or email [email protected].

Alternatively, visit the Totally Mold Facebook and Instagram pages.

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