Let’s Eat Cake fundraiser raises over £10,000 for children’s hospice

A tasty fundraising event has proved a sweet success for a local children’s hospice charity.
Over 100 local teams and businesses rose to the Hope House Tŷ Gobaith’s Let’s Eat Cake challenge last month by hosting coffee and cake mornings for staff, friends and customers in return for a donation.
Over £10,000 has been raised so far with money still coming in from events across the area.
Some of the fundraisers included Mold Friends of Hope House Ty Gobaith, which held an event on Saturday 25 May at the Daniel Owen Centre which raised a brilliant £600.
Hospice fundraiser and Let’s Eat Cake campaign leader, Dawn Ball said: “A huge thank you to everybody who helped us turn cake into care this year.
“Every penny raised will help safeguard the care, respite and support we provide to local seriously ill children and their families.”
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