Deeside developer opens consultation over 1,500 house Wrexham plan

Deeside-based Redrow is leafletting an area of Wrexham as part of a consultation over a proposed 1,500 house development that would include a ‘provisional site’ for a new primary school and community centre.
Possibly to get around the current phosphates issues, an onsite treatment works is also proposed, “The existing wastewater treatment facility for Wrexham cannot at present accept any additional wastewater flows due to problems with phosphorous pollution. Consequently, a new state of the art treatment facility is proposed for the site that would clean the wastewater, including removing phosphorous. If the problems at the existing Wrexham treatment works are appropriately resolved, then the on-site works would not be required and additional housing would be provided as an alternative.”
The developers say, “Delivering a strategic development at Lower Berse Farm, which will create a new community-led neighbourhood, delivering in the region of 1500 homes. Creating attractive green spaces, parks & play areas, as well as retaining and providing natural assets such as trees, hedgerows and water features. Utilising the historic Lower Berse Farmhouse, whilst retaining and enhancing its heritage, to provide a community centre with possible amenities, such as shops, a nursery, a café and other facilities.
“Creating easy access to the site via improving road access to the A525 Ruthin Road and enhancing active travel routes with pedestrian and cycle links throughout the site. Careful consideration given to the future needs of the community with site provision for a modern, spacious new primary school included within the proposals. Designed to incorporate areas of green open space wherever possible and create landscaped communal areas.”
The site is located on a 72.85 hectare (180 acre) piece of land known as ‘Lower Berse Farm’, south of Ruthin Road.
The Local Development Plan that has been dominating local politics recently gets a mention as Redrow say they are helping solve local housing demand, with an expectation of adoption perhaps later this week, “In its emerging Local Development Plan, Wrexham County Borough Council highlighted a need for 7,750 new homes to be built across the Borough by 2028. Whilst expected to be adopted this year, the plan has suffered significant setbacks despite the Inspector’s report in February 2023 finding the plan sound subject to a number of changes. The status of the emerging Local Development Plan is now likely to be resolved in the latter half of 2023.
“We are confident that the proposed development at Lower Berse Farm is essential in meeting existing and future housing need – as demonstrated by the council’s own housing needs assessment – delivering in the region of 1,500 dwellings. Whilst the land is currently used for agricultural purposes, Lower Berse Farm has been identified as a key location for development in the emerging Local Development Plan. This site will enable Redrow to deliver much-needed new homes to Wrexham, whilst also protecting other green field sites across the Borough from speculative development.
“In accordance with policy in the emerging Local Development Plan, Redrow are proposing to provide affordable housing on the site at a level of 15%, with the exact mix of tenure to be finalised based on local housing need.”
Redrow have not proactively got in touch with, however appear to be holding an event in the city centre for those wanting more information or to communicate with them.
The full documents that have been published so far can be found here.
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