Posted: Wed 19th Feb 2014

More awards for Coleg Cambria’s engineering apprentices

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Wednesday, Feb 19th, 2014

Strong industry links with manufacturing and engineering companies from across the region are helping Coleg Cambria Deeside develop award winning engineering apprentices.

Engineering Apps Colin Munns with Louise Fidler, Josh Jenkins, Gavin Evans-Jones, Rebecca Marsh, Hayley Keeley (1)

Apprenticeships have proved to be an excellent way to gain the skills and experience needed.

Apprentices get hands-on experience and on-the-job training at the same time while gaining industry-recognised qualifications.

Staff in the Engineering Department at Coleg Cambria Deeside have strong industry links and liaise regularly with local employers to help students gain employment.

Twenty two year old Hayley Keeley is studying a National Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering whilst working for Raytheon in Broughton. Hayley joined Coleg Cambria on the Pathways to Apprenticeships (PtA) programme which aided her in gaining her apprenticeship. Hayley was awarded 2nd place in the PtA Award at the recent Engineering Employers Federation (EEF) Wales Future Manufacturing Awards.

Nineteen year old Rebecca Marsh studied BTEC Level 3 in Engineering at Coleg Cambria and has progressed to an apprenticeship with Global Lift Equipment in Flint whilst studying Design Engineering.

Twenty two year old Gavin Jones attended university to study IT and BACS; he is now working for Dwr Cymru in Wrexham, studying a National Diploma in Further Electrical Engineering at Coleg Cambria.

Twenty two year old Louise Fidler previously attended West Cheshire College to study Engineering; she is now employed as an Apprentice with UPM in Deeside, studying a Technical Apprenticeship in Paper Manufacture at Coleg Cambria.

Eighteen year old Josh Jenkins is employed by DRB in Deeside and studies a National Diploma in engineering (Electrical/Mechanical). Josh was Highly Commended in the 1st Year Apprentice category at the EEF awards and was named as Flintshire Business Week’s Apprentice of the Year.

Coleg Cambria Executive Director of Curriculum Engineering and Construction, Nick Tyson said:

“We are proud of our facilities and extremely proud of the apprentices we train. As an Engineering Department we strive for all our employed apprentices to do their best and our partnership approach to working with employers means that our staff teach the latest technologies linked to Engineering and Manufacturing.”

Open Evenings will be held at Coleg Cambria Deeside on Wednesday 19th February from 5-8pm, and at Coleg Cambria sites in Yale Grove Park and Yale Bersham Road on Thursday 20th February from 5-8pm, there will be an opportunity to speak with tutors, current students and view facilities.


For more information please visit or call 0300 30 30 007


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