Posted: Thu 9th Sep 2021

Appeal over refusal of plans to build houses next to village pub in Flintshire thrown out

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Sep 9th, 2021

An appeal launched after permission for plans to build three houses next to a village pub in Flintshire were refused has been successfully defended by Flintshire County Council.

Punch Partnerships applied to knock down an outbuilding at the back of the Swan Inn in Higher Kinnerton to make way for the properties, access was to be through the pub car park.

Representatives for the national pub chain said the move would boost the success of the business.

Flintshire Council rejected the proposals as it said the site was outside the village’s development boundary.

The original planning application was refused because of the impact the proposed development would have on the character and appearance of the area and the setting of Kinnerton Hall, a Grade II listed building.

Punch Partnerships appealed against the decision by Flintshire planners not to allow the development to go ahead but the appeal was defended by the council.

The Inspector said: “I acknowledge that there is a building on the appeal site. ”

“However, the proposed development of three large detached houses and two double garages would be a significant visual intrusion into the space behind the buildings fronting Main Road. ”

“It would also be at odds with the prevailing pattern of development and have a detrimental impact on the setting of this part of the village.”

The Inspector did not agree with the Punch Partnerships argument that the wall and planting would largely screen the proposed development from Kinnerton Hall.

He found that the proposed development would be “at odds with rather than fit in with the built form of the village and concluded that it would have an adverse impact on the setting of Kinnerton Hall and the character and appearance of the area.” Flintshire council said.

The Inspector acknowledged that Higher Kinnerton is identified as a “sustainable location for growth and that there is a shortfall in housing delivery in the County.”

However he did not consider that these factors outweighed the harm identified to the setting of Kinnerton Hall and the character and appearance of the area.

Flintshire’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Public Protection, Councillor Christopher Bithell, said:

“The successful defence of this appeal shows that Flintshire’s original decision was the correct one.”

“The Council is measured in its approach to considering all applications and we take into account all viewpoints.”

“While, on the one hand, there is a clear need for more housing in the County, we must also, on the other hand, ensure that this does not compromise our heritage which we must protect now for future generations.”

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