Posted: Thu 4th Jan 2018

Land to be ‘gifted’ for new community centre if plans for 23 houses in Hawarden are passed

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Thursday, Jan 4th, 2018

Proposals for 23 new houses in Hawarden will go before a Flintshire Planning Committee next week.

The development by Connah’s Quay based Edwards Homes would see new houses built on ‘rough grassland’ near 59 Wood Lane.

If plans are approved part of the development plot will be gifted to Hawarden Community Council, for a new community centre.

Around 80% of the site will be used for 2,3 and 4 bed houses which will front onto Wood Lane the remaining 20% given over to the community council,

“which it is hoped will help to reduce development costs for any future construction of the centre, allowing the community council to secure grant aid if available.” The application states.

A further planning application for the building of the community centre will need to be submitted.

As part of the planning requirements, £1100 per dwelling in lieu of on-site recreational provision will be used to enhance toddlers play facilities located at the children’s play area at Fron Heulog in Hawarden.

A contribution of £73,542 towards IT resources and an outdoor classroom at Penarlag Community Primary School, also £73,876 towards further changing facilities at Hawarden High School will be made.

Council planning officers have recommended the plans for approval, subject to the Section 106 contributions.

Chief Planning Officer, Andrew Farrow’s report says:

“It is considered that the scale of development proposed i.e., 23 No. dwellings on approximately 0.68 hectares would not represent overdevelopment at this location.

In conclusion it is my view that the scale/form of the development proposed would be sympathetic to the character of the site and surroundings, with there being no objection to the principle of development from the Highway Development Control Manager, NRW or Dwr Cymru / Welsh Water.

Whilst the response from the Council’s Technical Services Department is currently awaited regarding the acceptability of the surface water drainage proposals submitted, Members will be updated accordingly at the Planning Committee.

It is my view, however, notwithstanding the conclusions of this response that the development is acceptable subject to the completion of a Section 106″

Plans will go before Flintshire County Council planning committee on Janaury10

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