Two week gun amnesty starts in North Wales today

North Wales Police is joining forces from across the North West in appealing for people to ‘Give up the Gun’ with a two-week surrender of firearms and ammunition, stared at 7am this morning – 4th April.
It’s been almost two years since the last firearms surrender, where forces ask members of the public to surrender unlawfully held or unwanted guns and ammunition to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands.
The surrender will be held for two weeks from Monday 4 April at 7am to 11.59pm on Monday 18 April. Surrendering unwanted, unlicensed weapons avoids the risk of them becoming involved in criminality and means that members of the community can dispose of firearms in a safe place.
Surrendering unwanted, unlicensed weapons avoids the risk of them becoming involved in criminality and means that members of the community can dispose of firearms in a safe place.
During that period, those surrendering firearms will not face prosecution for the illegal possession and can remain anonymous.
Chief Inspector Neil Thomas North Wales Police said
“Many firearms are held in innocence and ignorance of their illegality or are overlooked and forgotten in people’s homes. Others are acquired and distributed by criminal networks to harm, threaten and intimidate their local communities.
“The surrender gives the chance to dispose of the firearm or ammunition with no questions asked, by simply taking it to a local police station and handing it in – before a police operation to retrieve them takes place.
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