Posted: Wed 14th Apr 2021

Cheshire based developer lodges plans to build 130 ‘dwellings’ alongside A494 in Ewloe

News and Info from Deeside, Flintshire, North Wales
This article is old - Published: Wednesday, Apr 14th, 2021

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A Cheshire based developer has lodged plans with Flintshire County Council to build 130 ‘dwellings’ alongside A494 in Ewloe.

Full planning documents for the application are yet to be made public but initial details point to the development being built on “land adjacent to 1 Liverpool Road, Ewloe.”

The description of the proposal states: “Erection of 130 dwellings comprising bungalows, houses and two-storey apartments with own access, new access road, associated external works and landscaping.”

Further details on the location are given by way of map coordinates – Northing Map Coordinate 366763, Easting Map Coordinate 329798 – these confirm the location of the site to be the one submitted in Flintshire Council’s Local Development Plan.

Warrington based Lane End Developments is the company behind the application.

Their website states that “until the end of 2020 we had completed 25 projects in areas such as Merseyside, Manchester, Lancashire and Cheshire. More recently, we reached a milestone of building over 1,000 homes across the North West.”

Land adjacent to 1 Liverpool Road, Ewloe is a candidate site forming part of Flintshire Council’s controversial Local Development Plan (LDP) – which could see up to 7,000 new homes being in the county.


The 8.3-hectare development site stretches from Ewloe roundabout along the A494 to Old Aston Hill.

The final draft of the authority’s LDP was approved by councillors in 2019 but submission of the master plan to the Planning Inspectorate was delayed due to the pandemic. 

The document outlines land where houses should be built over the next decade, along with employment sites that could deliver up to 10,000 jobs.

It was backed by the majority of councillors, despite some questioning whether Flintshire had the right facilities to support thousands of new residents.

There are several large scale housing sites within the LDP, the Northern Gateway development in Deeside, where 1,300 homes have been earmarked, along with 300 more at Warren Hall in Broughton.

A stretch greenbelt land between Ash Lane and Park Avenue in Mancot where up to 280 could be built has also been earmarked in the LDP.

Further information on the application will be uploaded to Flintshire Council’s website planning pages in the coming days

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